
Harvey Jay Cohen, MD

  • Professor of Medicine
  • Walter Kempner Distinguished Professor of Medicine, in the School of Medicine
  • Emeritus Director, Center for the Study of Aging & Human Development
  • Faculty Research Scholar of DuPRI's Center for Population Health & Aging
  • Member of the Duke Cancer Institute

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The loss of thiamine in the urine can increase the risk domized to receive parenteral nutritional support with for high-output congestive heart failure (ie, wet cardiac amino acid solutions or the regular hospital diet. A more recent study of enteral feeding versus steroid therapy Gastrointestinal Disorders demonstrated a reduced 1-year mortality in the enteral feed ing group (37% versus 53%; P <0. Survival in alcoholic Pancreatitis hepatitis was linked to the level of protein malnutrition. Thirty-day mortality rates ranged from 2% in mild malnu Earlier work suggested that the benefits of parenteral nutri trition to 15% in moderate malnutrition and up to 52% in tion were especially important for patients with acute pan severe malnutrition. Increased nutritional intake with accurate owing to fluid accumulation in this disorder. Several calories as high as 3000 kcal/day has been associated with studies have evaluated the benefits of parenteral nutritional prolonged survival. Absolute indications for parenteral nutrition include pseudo In a second report, the mortality rate in 67 patients was obstruction, radiation enteritis, massive small bowel obstruc reduced from 38% to 13% if patients with acute pancreati tion, prolonged ileus, prolonged diarrhea, short bowel this received parenteral nutritional support within 72 hours syndrome, and hyperemesis gravidarum. Other studies have not demonstrated nutritional support may be indicated for Crohns disease, decreased mortality rates with administration of parenteral Whipples disease, abetalipoproteinemia, and diarrhea associ nutrition. Osmotic diarrhea sometimes can be improved with shown to improve mental recovery in almost all studies to the use of intravenous albumin supplementation when serum date. A meta-analysis of six large studies demonstrated that albumin levels are less than 2. The Fistulas with a fluid output of at least 500 mL/day have been mortality rate in the branched-chain-enriched amino acid treated routinely with parenteral nutrition and bowel rest. A treatment group averaged 24%, and in the control group it recent study suggests that enteral nutrition can be successful was 43%. In a recent study, the benefits were confirmed for in patients with high-output fistulas but that these patients the use of branched-chain amino acids in patients with should be cared for in a specialized unit where optimal con advanced cirrhosis. In contrast to the beneficial effects noted ditions for artificial nutrition and local management are in in hepatic encephalopathy and cirrhosis, there is no evidence place. In a few studies, the more severely ill and malnourished patients were selected to receive parenteral Although early studies of parenteral nutrition (amino acids nutritional support. Those who were less ill or who could tol and vitamins) compared with dextrose infusion alone (no erate a hospital diet were given enteral support. Aggressive vitamins or amino acids) demonstrated better recovery in nutritional support should be provided as routine care to the patients with acute renal failure, subsequent studies have not cancer cachexia patient using the gastrointestinal route if consistently demonstrated a clear benefit. The combination of acute renal failure and Iron Deficiency Anemia severe malnutrition is associated with a 7. If iron deficiency anemia is diagnosed, the standard of care has Chronic Renal Failure been to provide the patient with iron replacement after causes of iron deficiency anemia are evaluated. In addition to serum albumin, serum infection and who do not have a current serious infection. Chronic renal failure patients with serum ferritin levels of greater than 500 ng/mL have a 19-fold increase in septic episodes com Thrombocytopenia pared with chronic renal failure patients who do not have as Sepsis and disseminated intravascular coagulation are the high an iron load. Patients renal failure patients and those with iron overload should be who are not eating should be given 5 mg/day of folate to pre watched carefully for a higher than expected incidence of vent thrombocytopenia. The increased use of epoetin alfa (erythropoietin) has virtually eliminated the iron-overload problem seen in patients with chronic renal failure. However, methods to Trauma & Postsurgery remove the excess iron storage may be indicated to reduce the incidence of serious infections. Several prospective tri Bone Marrow Transplantation als have evaluated the risks and benefits of parenteral and Conventional nutritional therapy in bone marrow transplant enteral nutritional support in these patients. One early study patients in some studies can increase the engraftment rate of demonstrated improved survival in parenterally fed patients the donors cells in the recipients bone marrow but in some compared with nonfed controls. Early parenteral nutritional demonstrate improvement in survival over that of enterally support rather than a hospital diet in well-nourished bone fed patients. Recent evi improve morbidity but that the improvement in mortality dence suggests that the use of glutamine-enriched parenteral was not significant. Recently, patients given enteral feeding nutritional support after bone marrow transplantation for nontraumatic coma were shown to have improved sur improves nitrogen balance, reduces the incidence of infec vival. Enteral diets containing glutamine reduced the inci tion, and shortens the hospital stay by about 7 days. Cancer Cachexia Abdominal Trauma A meta-analysis concluded that parenteral nutritional sup port does not improve survival and may in fact increase Enteral nutritional support compared with parenteral nutri the risk for infection in nonmalnourished cancer patients. Patients who tolerate enteral feedings have better survival rates than those who cannot tolerate Recent data would suggest that nutritional supplements do enteral feeding and therefore must receive parenteral feeding. In stroke patients with dysphagia, early enteral feeding was associated with a non significant (5. Therefore, unlike what has been seen in head trauma patients, there appears little Appropriate nutrient administration is important for rapid benefit for early aggressive feeding in patients with strokes. Parenteral nutrition increases hydroxyproline levels and tensile strength in wounds. Wound dehiscence is eight times more common with Endocrine & Metabolic Disorders decreased vitamin C levels. Copper ably not due to caloric intake alone but to elevated counter acts as a cofactor in the polymerization of the collagen mol regulatory hormones and insulin resistance. Zinc sup caloric intake from 1400 to 1000 kcal/day does not reduce the plementation also speeds up the wound healing rate. Aggressive regular insulin Vitamin, mineral, and nutritional support are essential for administration to maintain the blood glucose concentration prompt wound repair. In this prospective, Burns randomized trial, patients were randomized to either inten sive insulin therapy or standard therapy. The goal in the Parenteral nutrition may be indicated in the early manage intensive therapy group was to maintain blood glucose con ment of burn patients who develop burn-related ileus. Improved blood glucose control reduced Preoperative nutritional support of malnourished and non the incidence of bacteremia by 50%, the need for hemodial malnourished patients reduces the rate of septic complica ysis by 42%, and the need for prolonged mechanical ventila tions (eg, wound infections, pneumonia, intraabdominal tion by 37% (P <0. Type 1 diabetics also have a lower demonstrated a significant reduction in the incidence of serum retinol (vitamin A) level than normal volunteers. The pneumonia (from 31% to 12%), intraabdominal abscesses exact mechanisms responsible for reduced serum vitamin C (from 13% to 2%), and catheter sepsis (from 13% to 2%) in and vitamin A levels in these patients are not known. Type 1 diabetics also have reduced production and a significant improvement in hospital sur serum and white blood cell zinc levels and excessive losses of vival rates. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetics can have does not prevent the development of multiple organ failure. Diabetics have decreased cell-mediated immu nity with decreased lymphocyte transformation, reduced Immune-Enhancing Diet macrophage-lymphocyte interaction, and an impaired delayed-type hypersensitivity. One may be able to improvethe use of an immune-enhancing diet in severe trauma leukocyte dysfunction by maintaining excellent glucose con patients can reduce major infectious complications (6% trol in the diabetic patient wit a blood glucose concentration versus 41%) and hospital stay (18 versus 33 days). A blood glucose level in none of the surgical studies has mortality been improved. However, once the serum glucose concentration is less need for aggressive administration of insulin. If the concentration of the dextrose is increased, the seen at serum phosphorus levels below 2. The new-onset have a fivefold increase in hospital mortality compared with diabetes is due to insulin resistance and elevations in coun hospitalized known diabetic patients. This response may interfere that support the use of growth hormone are needed prior to with nutritional therapy. The metabolic abnormalities of the use of growth hormone in patients who are seriously ill. Insulin resistance resulting in the metabolic stress syndrome Anabolic steroids have been used in several clinical trials of is type 2 diabetic in character because patients are not malnourished patients with mixed results. The more severe the has been shown to be improved in some but not all the clin malnutrition or illness, the greater is the hepatic glucose pro ical trials. Amino acid flux is also greater the more severe the seen in patients with benign diseases (eg, hip replacement malnutrition or illness. In a prospective study onset diabetes or the milder metabolic stress syndrome in of burns, oxandrolone 20 mg/day reduced weight loss (3 ver patients is important because insulin administration appears sus 8 kg), nitrogen loss (4 versus 13 g/day), and healing time to be protein-sparing in catabolic postinjury patients and (9 versus 13 days). In fact, recent data suggest that their use is associated cal illness may be helpful in reducing protein breakdown with a prolongation of the time on the ventilator (22 versus from the lean body mass for amino acid gluconeogenic pre 16 days). Albumin levels of infections, less need for hemodialysis, and shorter duration less than 2. Of note is that only a small pro colloid oncotic pressure and may contribute to gastrointesti portion of patients had a history of diabetes. Several authors have found (blood glucose <40 mg/dL) occurred in 5% of the intensively that close to 100% of patients with a serum albumin below treated group and fewer than 1% of the conventionally 1. However, the use of albumin In a prospective, blinded study, administration of growth should be restricted to specific indications. However, the use of growth hormone also was associ can be given as a rapid intravenous infusion, one 50-mL vial ated with an increase in insulin resistance and the need to of 25% albumin can rapidly expand the plasma compart administer an increased insulin dose. Growth hormone ment by as much as 300 mL, which may be enough to cause probably improves wound healing by increasing protein syn a sudden onset of pulmonary edema in susceptible patients. Beta-Adrenergic Blockade At present, use of growth hormone is restricted to chil dren who are deficient in growth hormone. Propranolol increased protein synthesis and and hydration: Fundamental principles and recommendations. Interventional procedures, critical care team and the diagnostic and interventional either at the bedside or in the radiology suite, are also fre radiologist. As many as one-third Suboptimal exposures may be corrected in part by adjusting of these chest radiographs may be obtained at the bedside contrast and window levels. Myocardial perfusion and infarct scan complications (eg, abscess) and to inspect the features of the ning in cardiac disease, ventilation-perfusion scanning in bowel walls and surrounding fat. Supine radiographs are most patients with suspected pulmonary embolism, evaluation of appropriate for verifying nasogastric or feeding tube place gastrointestinal hemorrhage and acute cholecystitis, and ment and for investigation of renal stones and possible ileus localization of occult infection are among the most common or bowel obstruction. Ultrasound is uation of the critically ill patient because of interference caused also helpful in clarifying peridiaphragmatic processes because by ferromagnetic monitoring devices, the difficulty of ade the diaphragm is easily visualized, allowing differentiation of quately ventilating and monitoring patients within the narrow supradiaphragmatic and infradiaphragmatic fluid collections. Ultrasound provides rapid assess coordinated effort among caregivers can be arranged. Nicolaou S et al: Ultrasound-guided interventional radiology in crit Visualization of vascular perfusion and parenchymal flow is ical care. Careful monitoring teroids appears to be effective for mild events, but corticos during transport and during the procedure is essential and teroids should not be used in patients with a history of severe must include arrhythmia monitoring and pulse oximetry. Contrary to popular belief, allergy to shellfish available, hospital personnel should be knowledgeable about is not predictive of reactions to iodinated contrast agents. Contrast nephropathy is another important complication of intravascular iodinated contrast use and occurs in the setting Funaki B: Central venous access: A primer for the diagnostic radi of preexisting renal compromise, most often due to dehydra ologist. Metformin should be stopped until 48 hours following contrast use to avoid possible lactic acidosis Endotracheal & Tracheostomy Tubes in the event of contrast nephrotoxicity. Rather than using a uni versal creatinine level cutoff, the decision to use contrast agents Both endotracheal intubation and tracheostomy may cause should be made on a case-by-case basis, carefully weighing the potentially serious complications. Tubes currently in use are usually radi sodium bicarbonate: A randomized, controlled trial. Periodic radiographs are Meschi M et al: Facts and fallacies concerning the prevention of required to exclude inadvertent displacement of the tube by contrast medium-induced nephropathy. Intraluminal pressure limitations estimate tube location because the carina is typically at the level may result in low contrast flow rates, producing a suboptimal of the undersurface of the aortic arch. The balloon cuff should study, or catheter rupture may occur during rapid power not be greater in diameter than the trachea because cuff over injection of the relatively viscous contrast material. In patients with translaryn the brachiocephalic vein usually occurs behind the sternal end geal intubation, the most frequent sites of stenosis are the of the corresponding clavicle. Although from left to right in a retrosternal position to enter the superior the surgical mortality rate is less than 2%, the long-term vena cava. The radiographic location of the superior vena cava complication rate may be as high as 60%. Pneumothorax, may be assessed relative to the tracheobronchial angle, with the pneumomediastinum, subcutaneous emphysema, hemor upper border of the superior vena cava usually just superior to rhage, and tube malposition may occur as early complica the angle of the right main stem bronchus and the trachea. The tions, whereas late complications include tracheal stenosis, junction of the superior vena cava and right atrium is at the tracheo-innominate artery fistula, tracheoesophageal fistula, approximate level of the lower aspect of the bronchus inter stomal infection, aspiration, and tube occlusion.

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In other hand, menthon was also able to interact 8 this article is available from: Taken days caused atonia, weight loss, decreased blood creatnine together, peppermint is the most encouraged plant for treatment content, and histopathological changes in the liver and the white of gastrointestnal disorders. Ant-headache actvity Marketng Since ancient tmes, herbal therapy has been used as treatment for headache disorders [185]. The peppermint industry is the largest Maliakal and Wanwimolruk reported that aqueous extract of commercial herb industry in the United States (more than 4000 peppermint (at concentraton 2% v/v) can modulate of phase I tons per year). Further studies are need to exploraton of cellular and molecular mechanisms of peppermint and its compounds on human body. Radioprotectve Efects Although peppermint plant has great benefcial and economical role in human society, researches must be considered its minorthe radioprotectve actvity of peppermint oil and aqueous side efects and toxicity. Also, we gratefully thank Authors certfy that no actual or potental confict of interest in Yoshihiro Kawaoka (editor in chief of Journal of Archives of relaton to this artcle exists. J Tradit myrrh tncture, peppermint oil and menthol to treat the upper Complement Med 1-10. J R Soc Promot and nutraceutcal propertes of organic and conventonal cinnamon Health 121: 62-63. J Agri Food Chem 51: 4563 Relatonship between antfungal actvity against candida albicans 4569. Peppermint (mentha xpiperita) an evidence-based systematc 41 Aihara Ji (1999) Weighted homo-lumo energy separaton as an index review by the natural standard research collaboraton. Journal of (peppermint) oil, mentha piperita (peppermint) leaf extract, mentha Pharmacology 121. Comput Electron Agric 54 Kavrayan D, Aydemir T (2001) Partal purifcaton and characterizaton 46: 239-261. Efect of daylength, photon fux density, night of feld grown and tssue culture derived mentha piperita l. Trends Plant nbo, homo-lumo and nlo propertes of o-methoxybenzaldehyde Sci 7: 366-373. Monoterpenes: Novel insights into their biological efects and roles on glucose uptake and lipid metabolism in 3t3-l1 adipocytes. Food 103 Ruiz-Morales Y (2002) Homo-lumo gap as an index of molecular Chem 196: 242-250. Chem Commun 48: oil biosynthesis in peppermint by controlling a downstream 9580-9582. Theory 94 Morton C, Garioch J, Todd P, Lamey P, Forsyth A (1995) Contact Comput 12: 1705-1713. J Evid Based Complementary Altern and energetcs of organic, inorganic, and biological systems. Microb verbenaceae family essental oils and monoterpenes on human Ecol 54: 685-696. J Pharm 169 Nissen L, Lau E (2016) Old drug new indicaton: Anthistamine for Pharmacol 46: 618-630. Among the 24 index pregnancies, 18 (75%) resulted before and during pregnancy, infants born to them have a in live-born infants; 11 (46%) pregnancies were intended. No difference was reported and underscores the importance of overcoming the barriers in avoiding high-protein foods between women who were and to maintaining the recommended dietary control of blood who were not trying to conceive. At the time of mine effective approaches to overcoming barriers to dietary the interview, 17 (71%) women were not using medical foods control. Costs of medical foods were more often covered by public assistance than by private insurance (Table 1). Among the 13 women who used public assistance, nine (69%) reported that Centers for Disease Control and Prevention proof of pregnancy was required to receive services. These Associate Director for Science differences were not significant by Fisher exact test. A woman aged 21 years discontinued formula use Director in early adolescence and lost contact with the metabolic clinic. Office of Scientific and Health Communications Although she was aware of the need to follow the diet during John W. Her preg nancy resulted in an infant with microcephaly and develop Jill Crane mental delay. Holland but lack of transportation, financial constraints, and inability Visual Information Specialists to take time off from work prohibited her from accessing care Michele D. Sharp Total 20 (100) 20 (100) 12 (100) * Two women reported using both public assistance and private insurance. First, the sample size was small and consisted mostly fetal specialist; however, her blood phe levels were not moni of women who received dietary management from metabolic tored, and she was not referred to a metabolic clinic. Second, at the time of the interviews, most of the blood phe levels in control before conception. She estimated that out-of-pocket expenses for the por and memory that could compromise the accuracy of their tion of the metabolic clinic visits not paid by insurance were responses. The metabolic clinic provided the health-care providers should be trained to advise women to formula without reimbursement from the insurance company. Admissions of phenylketonuric patients to residential institutions before and after screening programs of the newborn in this demonstrates limited adherence to prepregnancy medi fant. The North reported limited confidence in obstetricians knowledge of American collaborative study of maternal phenylketonuria. Maternal phenylketonuria and medical recommendations and health insurance coverage. The international study of preg-the proportion of cases classified as internationally nancy outcome in women with maternal phenylketonuria: report of a imported cases has been relatively stable since 1998 12-year study. National Institutes of Health consensus statement online residents who had traveled abroad and 12 in international 2000. Diet termination in children with cases), California (six), and Hawaii and Vermont (three each). Virologic evidence of importation was found in five chains of transmission (nine cases) that were not linked epi In 2000, a provisional total of 86 confirmed measles cases demiologically to imported cases. This types are known to circulate in Japan, China, and Vietnam, report describes the epidemiology of measles in the United respectively. The lack of any consistently repeating genotype States during 2000 and documents the continued absence of indicates that there is no endemic genotype. Therefore, all endemic measles and the continued risk for internationally indigenous cases with genotype information and no epide imported measles cases that might result in indigenous trans miologic link to an imported case were classified as imported mission. Following state laws and regulations, health-care providers, During 2000, a total of 20 states reported confirmed measles laboratories, and other health-care personnel report confirmed cases. The remaining 17 states each reported from one to age, complications, setting of transmission, and serologic con three measles cases. Of the 3,140 counties in the United States, firmation of cases also are collected. During five periods of 4 weeks, all reported cases were im port-associated 2). Of the 86 to an imported case but for which imported virus has been isolated from the patients, 23 (27%) had a documented history of measles vac case or from an epidemiologically linked case; and unknown source=all other cination; 40 (46%) had not been vaccinated, nine of these cases acquired in the United States for which no epidemiologic link or virologic evidence has been found to indicate importation. Among 48 cases in persons for whom vac very limited indigenous spread from these imported cases also cine was recommended and vaccination status was known, has continued over the same period. Many of these these residents, 20 (37%) were known to be vaccinated, 20 cases, especially isolated cases, might be misclassifications (37%) were not vaccinated, and 14 (26%) had unknown resulting from false-positive laboratory tests. An epidemiologic link to an imported case was docu ing every case to an imported source. Thethe largest outbreaks occurred in New York: one in case was not reported as a U. The Oswego/ called from Italy to report this case, the three associated cases Onondaga outbreak occurred in a high school; the source of in Utah would have been classified as unknown source cases. Of the six high school students eli Because most visits to the United States are of a relatively gible for vaccination, five had been vaccinated. Each of these short duration, many persons shedding measles virus might students had received a single dose of measles vaccine, which leave the country before the rash begins and before measles is was in compliance with state requirements at that time. Many other international visitors who develop outbreak in Kings County occurred in a religious community measles in the United States might choose to return home in Brooklyn following an imported case from the United before they seek care because they are unfamiliar with the U. Among health-care system or lack valid health insurance in the United the six patients who were vaccine eligible, three were unvacci States. One outbreak in 2000 illustrates the difficulty in linking Difficulty in epidemiologically linking every case to an indigenous cases to their imported source. Col measles symptoms while competing in an athletic event in lection of viral specimens is an important part of any measles Utah. Worldwide, during large outbreaks (5,6) ever, 2 weeks before arriving in Utah, she had participated in or in areas where disease is endemic (7,8), one measles geno an athletic competition in Japan. Since 1992 in the United States, no in Utah, the athlete flew to Italy and subsequently developed genotypes have been found consistently, and when genotypic a rash consistent with measles. Three confirmed Imported measles cases consistently test the level of popu measles cases were linked epidemiologically to the athletic lation immunity to measles in the United States. No viral strain was obtained from any of the of less than one import-linked case following an international cases. First-dose vaccination coverage among pre Epidemiology and Surveillance Div, National Immunization Program; school children has been >90% for the past 4 years (10). World health report 2001: mental health: one for which the underlying cause of death was classified new understanding, new hope. Populations at risk were defined on contemporary wild-type measles viruses from Vietnam and the Peoples Republic of China: identification of two genotypes within clade H(1). National efforts are needed to increase public awareness of heart attack symptoms and signs and to reduce delay time to treatment. Education and media efforts should inform the pub Asian/ lic about heart disease symptoms and signs, particularly Pacific Islander 9,179 43. Non-Hispanics data are subject to misclassification of race/ethnicity on death (217. Asians/Pacific Islanders, and Hispanics and overestimating the In 1999, the state-specific proportion of all cardiac deaths number of deaths among blacks and whites (7). Prevention of the first cardiac event through risk factor Notice to Readers reduction. Among those who die, approximately 60% will die sud emergency cardiac care also are important to the prevention denly before they can reach a hospital. Early response personnel as rapidly as possible in the event of defibrillation within 6 minutes is the best treatment for car cardiac emergencies. For example, during February, the Missouri state health department will promote information References 1. Sudden cardiac death in about heart attack symptoms at sporting events; the National the United States, 1989 to 1998. Deaths: Blood Institute and the American Heart Association are col final data for 1999. Decade-long trends and Additional information is available at the American Heart factors associated with time to hospital presentation in patients with acute myocardial infarction: the Worcester heart attack study. Awareness, perception, and knowl National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute at edge of heart disease risk and prevention among women in the United States.

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The mass reflex may occur and is characterized by exagger Many trauma patients are conscious and may complain ated involuntary extremity movement owing to loss of of neck pain muscle relaxant lyrics buy skelaxin 400mg with visa, numbness, or weakness suggestive of spinal descending cortical inhibition. In trauma patients with altered mental status, it fibers results in bladder paralysis, urinary retention, poor gas is best to assume that an unstable cervical spine injury is tric emptying, and intestinal ileus with abdominal distention. An incomplete lesion is characterized by evidence of any motor or sensory function below the level of the lesion. This can be secondary to voluntary sphincter contraction or sensation in the perianal primary muscle fatigue or ascending cord involvement region, classifies the injury as incomplete and implies the from edema or ischemia. Important motor characteristics associated within one to two levels of their entry). These should require initial ventilatory support and then, after include a cervical spine series with lateral, anteroposterior, strengthening, may self-ventilate. Radiographs are C5 Useful movements of the deltoid, biceps, and usually inspected for the presence of prevertebral soft tissue swelling, the brachialis muscles are present, permitting shoulder alignment of the anterior and posterior aspects of the verte shrug, elbow flexion, and forearm pronation. Ligamentous innervation of the triceps (elbow extension), extensor damage should be suspected in patients with minimal sublux digitorum (finger extension), and flexor carpi ulnaris ation or persistent neck pain without evidence of a fracture. Dynamic flexion and extension cervical radiographs, which should only be considered in awake and cooperative patients, C8 Improved hand function due to innervation of most are useful to detect instability secondary to ligamentous hand intrinsic muscles. These x-rays may be performed several days after the T1 Complete hand strength maintained because of innerva initial injury so that muscle spasms, which can mask instabil tion of all hand intrinsic muscles. Myelography should be performed if there is a signif rior two-thirds of the spinal cord. The motor and sensory who are difficult to examine, such as those with altered men deficits are greater in the upper extremities (more pro tal status. Hemorrhagic necrosis in the central portions (eg, gray matter) of the cer Treatment vical cord results in upper extremity weakness. Since the Optimal treatment of spinal cord injuries must be initiated at lumbar leg and sacral tracts are peripheral in the cervical the scene of the accident. The result is bags or a hard collar and rapid correction of hypoxia, ipsilateral loss of motor and dorsal column function (ie, hypotension, shock, or hypothermia, if present. After each weight increase, the signs of deterioration so that corrective measures can be lateral x-ray should be repeated to determine if realignment taken expeditiously. This may be secondary to diaphragm fatigue or ascending neurologic damage from edema or ischemia and D. Intubation in cal spine injuries is prevention of secondary neurologic patients with unstable cervical injuries should be performed injury and provision of an optimal environment for recov using fiberoptic nasotracheal intubation (see below for selec ery. Securing a stable cervical spine (ie, bones, muscles, and tion of neuromuscular blocking agents). Hypoventilation, ligaments) will prevent further neurologic injury and reduce particularly during sleep, is not uncommon in the early stages the chance for persistent cervical pain resulting from insta following high cervical cord injury and may require nighttime bility. This is probably due to an impaired respiratory erly, whereas ligamentous injuries typically do not heal. Some of the basic Aggressive pulmonary toilet and aerosol bronchodilators features and treatment modalities for several common cervi should be used to avoid atelectasis, mucus plugs, and pneu cal injuries are outlined below. They involve sympathetic outflow may be manifested by bradycardia or extensive ligamentous disruption and can cause injury to the hypotension. However, one must not overlook a source of brain stem, cervical cord, nerve roots, or vertebral artery. These injuries spinal shock usually responds well to intravenous infusions are highly unstable and require operative bony fusion. Following recovery from spinal shock, left and right lateral masses on open mouth x-ray is more reflex hypertension, sweating, pilomotor erection, and rarely, than 6. Fractures through the odontoid threatening, should be treated by elimination of the precipi base are classified as type 2 and have a high incidence of tating stimulus and administration of rapid-acting nonunion. Current treatment recommendations are for sur intravenous antihypertensive agents. In recurrent severe gical fusion if the fracture is displaced more than 6 mm or attacks, prophylaxis with phenoxybenzamine may be useful. Anterior odontoid screw fixation or posterior spine subluxations or fractures should be managed initially atlantoaxial fixation may be performed. This can be achieved by fractures involve the base of the odontoid with extension into attaching tongs or a halo ring to the patients skull and apply the vertebral body and require only halo vest immobilization ing distraction force through a pulley system attached to for fusion. One must exclude the presence of atlanto-occipital C2 pedicles with anterior displacement of C2 onto C3. They dislocation because traction in this condition can result in are usually due to hyperextension injuries such as automo overdistraction and serious injury. More weight tially if malalignment is present, followed by immobilization may be required for reduction, but no more than 10 lb per in a halo vest. Some clinicians may wish Treatment for combined atlas and axis fractures is usually to use the steroid in the hope that local nerve root improve based on the type of axis fracture present. The optimal management of is a constant threat to patients with weak limbs and should these injuries is controversial. Simple wedge fractures with be combated using subcutaneous heparin (5000 units twice out associated ligamentous injury or significant subluxation daily), pneumatic compression stockings, or both. If the kyphotic angulation Intravascular insertion of a vena cava filter is highly recom is significant, or if instability is present, early surgical fusion mended for patients with lower limb paralysis. Persistent instability may may occur for days to weeks following spinal cord injury. Serum electrolytes should be evalu be taken in patients with neurologic deficits to exclude a ated regularly. Because these patients are in a catabolic state compressive lesion such as an extruded cervical disk that may after injury, they often require early nutritional support. Initial placement often associated with devastating neurologic damage and of an indwelling bladder catheter is required, but the catheter requires early realignment by traction. After this stabilization is controversial and may include halo vest immobi time, reflex emptying of the neurogenic bladder can occur lization or surgical fusion. Care must be taken to exclude any spontaneously or in response to stimuli such as suprapubic compressive lesions, such as bone or disk material, that may compression. Many patients require intermittent bladder contribute to neurologic dysfunction and require removal. Patients should be turned at Lateral cervical x-rays show anterior subluxation of the least every 2 hours, pressure points should be padded, and superior vertebra by over 50% of the length of the vertebral kinetic therapy beds should be used if available. Surgical fusion is required in cinylcholine) can result in rapid hyperkalemia that may be either case. Unilateral facet dislocation results from simulta complicated by ventricular fibrillation. The spinous processes on anteroposterior views McBride D: Spinal cord injury syndromes. New York: Marcel facet is a stable injury, it is commonly associated with nerve Dekker, 1993. New York: over the past several years have not come out with significant McGraw-Hill, 1991. Examples of referred pain include shoulder pain Physiologic Considerations from splenic or hepatic hemorrhage, causing phrenic nerve irritation, and hip or thigh pain from a psoas abscess. The peritoneum is a complex mesothelium-lined organ that invests the intraabdominal viscera (visceral peritoneum) and Pathophysiology the abdominal cavity (parietal peritoneum). The peritoneum functions to maintain the integrity of the intraabdominal Critical care patients are susceptible to common causes of organs and provides lubrication by peritoneal fluid (nor abdominal disease such as appendicitis, diverticulitis, and mally <50 mL). For free movement of the viscera, the nondi calculous cholecystitis with approximately the same fre aphragmatic peritoneal surface behaves as a passive quency as the general population. More important, they are semipermeable membrane that allows bidirectional prone to develop more complex and unusual abdominal exchange of water and electrolytes. The diaphragmatic sur processes resulting from a variety of predisposing condi face is highly specialized, with numerous gaps in the peri tions. For example, recent surgery, especially involving toneal lining that serve as entrances to a plexus of lymphatic enteric anastomoses, may lead to intraabdominal abscess or channels that drain via substernal lymph nodes into the tho small bowel obstruction. This diaphragmatic absorptive pathway is Shock with associated low flow states leads to an enhanced by respiratory excursion and normally accounts increased risk of mesenteric ischemia, acalculous cholecysti for at least 30% of the total lymphatic drainage of the tis, and possibly gut translocation of bacteria. Present or pre abdomen, helping to maintain the balance between visceral vious antimicrobial therapy also may contribute to illness parietal transudation and parietal peritoneal fluid uptake. The many critically ill patients may contribute to the develop omentum is highly mobile and can act to seal off a perforated ment of acalculous cholecystitis or, along with opioid use, viscus or contain a bacterial inoculum. Visceral Iatrogenic complications are common in patients under pain, primarily elicited by distention, is referred in a logical going multiple procedures and receiving several medications. Missed intraabdominal disease in traumatized sources (eg, esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, biliary tract, patients should be strongly considered in any patient not duodenum, and spleen) elicit upper epigastric pain, midgut recovering as expected. The problem of stress gastritis and lesions (eg, jejunum, ileum, appendix, and right colon) elicit stress ulcers has been diminished with aggressive pH moni periumbilical pain, and hindgut lesions (eg left colon and rec toring and pharmacologic prophylaxis but still presents a tum) radiate to the hypogastrium. Patients may have been transferred Peptic ulcer disease Diverticulitis from a hospital ward or may have had recent contact with Pancreatitis (including Proctitis the hospital or emergency room. However obtained, the his pseudocyst) Pelvic abscess tory should describe any preexisting medical conditions, Cardiac disease Renal colic previous surgery, present medications, prior abdominal Hiatal hernia (including Left Upper Quadrant complaints, changes in eating or bowel habits, and recent paraesophageal) Pancreatitis (including pseudocyst) weight loss. Exposure to toxic substances (including alco Right Upper Quadrant Splenic disease Cholecystitis Hiatal hernia (including hol) and recent trauma should be noted. The obstetric and Cholangitis paraesophageal) gynecologic history should include data about menses and Pancreatitis (including Renal colic sexual contacts. Despite efforts to Hepatitis Periumbilical elicit a detailed history, this is often not possible in critically Appendicitis Umbilical hernia ill patients. Knowing where the pain began occasionally Appendicitis Diverticulitis means more than determining where it is at presentation. A Diverticulitis Sigmoid volvulus perforated ulcer may cause lower abdominal pain from intes Crohns disease Colitis (especially ischemic) Colonic obstruction Renal colic tinal contents collecting in the pelvis owing to gravitational Psoas abscess Inguinal hernia effects or even owing to a pelvic abscess, whereas a detailed Pelvic inflammatory disease Pelvic inflammatory disease history may reveal days or weeks of epigastric or right upper Ovarian cyst or torsion Ovarian cyst or torsion quadrant pain.

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Insulin has a major and excessive sweating (although vomiting and nasogastric role in transmembrane potassium transport spasms from colonoscopy discount skelaxin 400 mg free shipping. Cushings syndrome and pharmaco logic administration of hydrocortisone spasms meaning in hindi generic skelaxin 400mg online, prednisone spasms from anxiety cost of skelaxin, or methylprednisolone often lead to decreased [K+] owing to the Clinical Features mineralocorticoid activity of these corticosteroids muscle relaxant 750 order 400mg skelaxin amex. Second muscle relaxant properties of xanax 400 mg skelaxin mastercard, increased delivery of sodium to the asymptomatic spasms left rib cage skelaxin 400mg for sale, but mild muscle weakness may be missed in distal nephron enhances potassium secretion. More severe degrees of hypokalemia from glucose, mannitol, or urea increases distal sodium deliv may result in skeletal muscle paralysis, and respiratory failure ery by interfering with proximal sodium reabsorption. Furosemide and other loop diuretics, which also increase Cardiovascular complications include electrocardiographic potassium loss because of volume depletion, increase distal changes, arrhythmias, and postural hypotension. Cardiac tubular sodium delivery by inhibiting sodium reabsorption in arrhythmias include premature ventricular beats, ventricular the ascending loop of Henle. Rarely, bances are seen more commonly in association with myocar Bartters syndrome (a congenital defect of one of several dial ischemia, hypomagnesemia, or when drugs such as mechanisms of Na-Cl reabsorption in the ascending limb of digitalis and theophylline have been given. Hypokalemia may the loop of Henle) and Gitelmans syndrome (a defect of the exacerbate hepatic encephalopathy by stimulating ammonia thiazide-sensitive Na-Cl cotransporter in the distal nephron) generation. The combination of severe hypokalemia, meta cause hypokalemia by renal salt wasting. Bicarbonate is less Although hypokalemia is most often a laboratory diagnosis, easily absorbed than chloride, and increased distal tubular it should be suspected in patients at risk. Patients being given diuretics (eg, thi keto acids and antibiotics such as sodium penicillin. Hypokalemia is seen in nutrition, aminoglycosides, high-dose sodium penicillin, and about 40% of patients with magnesium deficiency; renal amphotericin B are among those who should have particular potassium loss paradoxically increases during repletion of attention paid to monitoring plasma [K+]. Toxic levels of theo potassium in this condition because of failure of cellular phylline in particular can cause profoundly reduced plasma uptake. Patients with volume depletion, especially from diarrhea, acting as a potassium channel in the distal tubular cell. The electrocardiogram may show potassium losses are unusual, although they may occur. However, there is some evidence that complications of as a consequence of total body potassium depletion. Finding the mechanism of hypokalemia the amount of potassium needed to correct the deficit but not is important because inappropriate replacement with large necessarily for the urgency or amount immediately needed. Confirmation of renal potassium wasting can degree of moderate to severe hypokalemia, regardless of the size be useful. In the presence of hypokalemia, a urinary potas of the potassium deficit,may impose the same risk to the patient. The transtubular potassium gradient (or ratio) can bethe rate of administration and the amount of potassium helpful in diagnosing renal potassium wasting: that can be given are limited by local complications (irritation at the intravenous site) and because potassium is + distributed initially only into the extracellular space. This formula estimates the potassium concentration in + Potassium chloride and potassium phosphate are the distal nephron by multiplying the urine [K ] by the ratio available for intravenous use. Potassium chloride should of urine osmolality to plasma osmolality to account for the be given unless there is hypophosphatemia (see change in water concentration through the collecting ducts. Intravenous potassium chlo A ratio of distal tubular [K ] (numerator) to plasma [K ] ride can be given in concentrations as high as 60 meq/L. Even risk of inadvertent rapid administration of excessive if it is known that the mechanism of hypokalemia is excessive amounts, and these amounts should be administered over urinary loss, urinary potassium determination can be a use at least 1 hour into a peripheral vein. Because of the size of ful guide to the amount of potassium replacement needed to the extracellular space into which potassium is initially dis maintain normal levels or to correct hypokalemia. Redistribution of potassium leading to hypokalemia + Very high plasma [K ] levels can be achieved within the cannot be definitely diagnosed by laboratory studies, although heart, resulting in conduction system disturbances. However, metabolic or respiratory alkalosis can be identified by arterial the large volume of blood into which the potassium mixes blood gases. Large quantities of potassium phylline toxicity as a factor contributing to hypokalemia. However, in general, patients with severe parenteral nutrition, and those receiving digitalis should be hypokalemia ([K+] <2. Insulin is expected to drive potas failure, metabolic acidosis, potassium-sparing diuretics, adre sium into cells along with glucose. Although potassium nal insufficiency, drugs, and iatrogenic administration of should be withheld in those presenting with hyperkalemia, potassium may lead to hyperkalemia. Hyperkalemia has seri patients with normal plasma [K+] generally can be expected ous effects on myocardial conduction, and most life to require potassium supplementation during insulin treat threatening emergencies from hyperkalemia involve the heart. In many patients those in which increased addition of potassium to the extra with diabetic ketoacidosis, moderate to severe hypophos cellular space overwhelms the normal mechanisms of potas phatemia develops, and potassium phosphate is indicated. Both exogenous and lactone, triamterene, or amiloride, although these are less endogenous sources cause hyperkalemia. If neous potassium supplementation, and a severe edematous potassium is given more slowly, however, normal renal excre state. Similarly, amphotericin B, aminoglycosides, corticos tion makes development of hyperkalemia much less likely. Administration of acids with chloride anion (eg, hydrochloric acid, lysine hydrochloride, or arginine hydrochloride) is associated with hyperkalemia because of Hyperkalemia exchange of hydrogen ion for potassium inside the cell. In hypokalemia, in which increased filtration does not cause critically ill patients, hyperkalemia may present acutely with potassium depletion, decreased filtration does contribute to out warning. As with hypokalemia, aldosterone plays an disturbances, but weakness also may be present. The medical history should be reviewed for medications Acute renal insufficiency more commonly causes hyper that cause hyperkalemia, recently transfused blood, potential kalemia than chronic renal insufficiency, in the absence of for tumor lysis syndrome, diabetes, renal failure, and other increased intake of potassium. Intravenous solutions should be checked for inad released in direct response to hyperkalemia and facilitates vertent potassium administration. Diseases that destroy the insufficiency (especially acute renal failure) or diabetes mel adrenal glands result in loss of endogenous glucocorticoids litus (especially type 1 diabetes) may develop hyperkalemia. In long-standing diabetes, sodium-restricted if they are allowed to use salt substitutes hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism causes hyperkalemia and that contain primarily potassium chloride. Spironolactone, an aldosterone antagonist, causes pitalized patients are renal failure, drugs, and hyperglycemia. Those that impair intracellular potassium dis plasma potassium concentration is greater than 5 meq/L. Some earlier electrocardiographic abnormalities were seen in only 14% of formulations of total parenteral nutrition solutions contained hospitalized patients with hyperkalemia in one study. Drugs that interfere with renal potassium secretion + [K ] rises, with increased height and sharper peaks of T waves include aldosterone antagonists (eg, spironolactone), seen first. If the platelet count exceeds 1,000,000/L, serum molecular-weight heparin suppress aldosterone synthesis and potassium may be falsely elevated as the blood clots and potas can result in hyperkalemia in patients with diabetes mellitus sium is released from platelets; in such cases, plasma rather than and renal failure. In renal A number of patients receiving high doses of insufficiency, plasma creatinine and urea nitrogen are elevated. Urine potassium determination may be helpful in deciding Trimethoprim has an amiloride-like effect, blocking distal whether renal potassium elimination is appropriate. The tubular sodium channels and inhibiting potassium secretion transtubular potassium gradient (see Hypokalemia above) because of decreased tubular electronegativity. Small amounts can determine if the kidneys are contributing to hyperkalemia; of potassium in potassium penicillin G (1. A very low plasma cortisol, for example, in the Clinical Features presence of hyperkalemia can be diagnostic of adrenal insuffi A clinical and laboratory approach to the diagnosis of hyper ciency. Calcium directly reverses the effects of potassium on the cardiac conduction system, although intra Arrhythmias suspected of being due to hyperkalemia or elec venous calcium chloride or calcium gluconate does not affect trocardiographic changes with plasma [K+] above the nor plasma potassium levels. Calcium counter the effects of hyperkalemia on the heart and redistribute should be given cautiously in the presence of digitalis toxicity. Insulin can be given cated during hemodialysis if it is concluded that a large subcutaneously or by intravenous bolus or continuous infu increase in total body potassium is present. All intravenous Metabolic acidosis contributing to hyperkalemia, if pres infusions should be double-checked to make sure that potas ent, can be ameliorated with sodium bicarbonate given intra sium (sometimes in the form of phosphate as well as chloride) venously. This treatment is not without hazard, with volume is not being given inadvertently. Potassium penicillin should be overload and hyperosmolality possible complications. A modest transient reduction in plasma [K+] can renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Volume replacement with normal saline may be necessary if the patient begins with normal extracellular fluid Phosphorus is found in both inorganic (phosphate) and volume. Most of the bodys store of phosphorus is in tion, but in patients with a normal adrenal response, aldos the bones (80%), and the vast majority of the remainder is, terone levels are maximal. Therefore, mineralocorticoids such like potassium, distributed inside cells (muscles 10%) as as fludrocortisone are useful only in patients with adrenal organic phosphates. Only 1% is in the blood, and plasma insufficiency or some other cause of depressed aldosterone. Patients with hypophosphatemia may Hemodialysis is an effective way of decreasing plasma have heart failure, hemolysis, respiratory failure, and potassium concentration,but hyperkalemia may return rapidly impaired oxygen delivery. There shift of extracellular phosphorus into cells and is seen as a 4 2 4 consequence of acid-base disturbances and as a complication are two major determinants of phosphorus balance in the body: the distribution of phosphorus compounds between of drugs and nutritional support more often than as a pri intracellular and extracellular spaces and the daily intake mary problem. The total body store of phospho pated in postoperative patients; in patients with chronic or rus is great, and only a small proportion of total body phos acute alcoholism, diabetic ketoacidosis, or head trauma; and phorus participates in intracellular reactions and shifts in patients receiving total parenteral nutrition or mechanical between cells and extracellular spaces. The intracellular phosphorus concentration is consider In theory, hypophosphatemia always results from a prob ably larger than the extracellular concentration. This is so that determine the distribution of phosphorus between the because of the very large quantity of phosphorus in the intra two compartments include the rate of glucose entry into cellular space plus the amount of phosphorus in bone, even cells and the presence of respiratory alkalosis. Glucose in those with hypophosphatemia (ie, decreased plasma phos movement into cells, facilitated by insulin, traps phosphate phorous and extracellular phosphorus). Thus even a state of intracellularly through phosphorylation of glucose and phosphate depletion from increased losses and decreased glycolytic intermediates. Acute respiratory alkalosis facili intake is a problem of distribution because there must be tates glycolysis, thereby reducing extracellular phospho decreased ability to mobilize and transfer phosphorus to the rus concentration. Net phosphate excretion is prima movement into cells (facilitated by insulin) and subsequent rily through the kidneys by filtration and reabsorption. The most striking examples of rapid, mal tubules determines phosphorus excretion, and this severe falls in plasma phosphorus are seen in the treatment mechanism is driven by proximal tubular sodium reabsorp of diabetic ketoacidosis and in the refeeding syndrome. Thus there is enhanced phosphorus reabsorption in Diabetic ketoacidosis is associated with pretreatment extra the face of increased proximal sodium reabsorption in cellular phosphate loss from solute diuresis. However, proximal phosphorus tion of insulin results predictably in hypophosphatemia as reabsorption is also independently regulated by the parathy glucose and phosphate move into cells. This can lead to dissociation between plasma phosphate during enteral or parenteral refeeding of sodium reabsorption and phosphorus reabsorption, as in chronically malnourished individuals, including alcoholics, hyperparathyroidism. Respiratory alkalosis also causes a shift of extracellular Hypophosphatemia phosphorus into cells.

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