
Lee A Fleisher, MD, FACC

  • Robert Dunning Dripps Professor and Chair of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Professor of Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

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Our Industrial Affairs Department has an ongoing policy of Industrial Affairs has its own digital strategy, built on five pillars: adapting industrial facilities to market needs. As part of this Integrated Industrialization, Intelligent Quality, Connected Teams process, during 2018 we sold various facilities, including those at and Operations, Connected Factory, and Real-Time Supply Holmes Chapel (United Kingdom), Guarenas (Venezuela), as Chain. Global markets are supplied from our facilities at while achieving a responsible environmental footprint. Major investments were launched projects including a masterplan for the United Kingdom plus during 2018 in France (including construction of a new influenza others in Peru, Dubai and China (Beijing). Operating and Financial Review and Prospects You should read the following discussion in conjunction with our At the start of 2018, Sanofi and Regeneron decided to consolidated financial statements and the notes thereto included accelerate their investment in the clinical development of three in this annual report at Item 18. Actual results may retain all rights to its other discovery and development programs differ materially from those contained in such forward-looking in that field. We also continued our efforts to secure research and Unless otherwise stated, all financial variations in this item are development alliances during 2018, entering into a collaboration given on a reported basis. Significant operating information hemophilia type A and B; Dupixent in the treatment of A. The acquisition of Bioverativ, a biotechnology approvals from regulatory bodies. These included Dupixent, which company focused on therapies for hemophilia and other rare was launched as a treatment for adults with moderate-to-severe blood disorders, was completed in early March 2018 at a price of atopic dermatitis in Japan, and in a new indication in the United $11. This acquisition brought us a portfolio of products States for adults with moderate-to-severe asthma. Cablivi was that are delivering growth including the flagship hemophilia launched in Germany in the treatment of acquired thrombotic treatments Eloctate and Alprolix. Admelog was launched in the company engaged in the discovery and development of United States and some European countries as a biosimilar, under nanobodies, was completed in June 2018 at a price of the name Insulin lispro Sanofi. To streamline and refocus our operations, we completed the sale Net sales for the year ended December 31, 2018 amounted to of our European Generics business to Advent International for 34,463 million, 1. This was largely due to the impact of acquiring Bioverativ Net income attributable to equity holders of Sanofi amounted and Ablynx, which was partly offset by the divestment of our to 4,306 million, 48. At the Annual General Meeting of recognition of the gain on the divestment of our Animal Health April 30, 2019, we will ask our shareholders to approve a business in 2017. Impacts of competition from generics and biosimilars Some of our flagship products continued to suffer sales erosion in 2018 due to competition from generics and biosimilars. We do not believe it is possible to state with certainty what level of net sales would have been achieved in the absence of generic competition. Other parameters may have contributed to the loss of sales, such as a fall in the average price of certain products. Change on a Change on a ( million) 2018 2017(a) reported basis reported basis (%) Aprovel Europe 108 115 (7) -6. We sell pharmaceutical products and vaccines expected to be subject to further sales erosion in 2019: Aprovel, directly, through alliances, and by licensing arrangements Lantus, Lovenox, Plavix and Renagel/Renvela in Europe; throughout the world. When we sell products directly, we record Ambien, Lantus, Lovenox, Renagel / Renvela and sales revenues as part of our consolidated net sales. When we Taxotere in the United States; and Allegra, Amaryl, Aprovel, sell products through alliances, the revenues reflected in our Lantus, Myslee, Plavix and Taxotere in Japan. When our products are sold by licensing arrangements, expected in 2019 amounted to 4,248 million; this comprises we receive royalty income that we record in Other revenues. Our cost of sales consists primarily of the cost of products are sold and potential litigation outcomes. We have license agreements under which we Our results of operations and financial condition for the years manufacture, sell and distribute products that are patented by ended December 31, 2018, 2017 and 2016 have been other companies and license agreements under which other significantly affected by our August 2004 acquisition of Aventis, companies distribute products that we have patented. When we our April 2011 acquisition of Genzyme, our 2018 acquisition of pay royalties, we record them in Cost of sales. For our operating the Bioverativ business combination has generated significant segments, we also measure our results of operations through an amortization of intangible assets (430 million in 2018). Segment information of 16 million in 2017 and net reversal of 6 million in 2016). Revenue arising from the sale of goods is presented in the income statement within Net sales. Net sales comprise Sanofi has three operating segments: Pharmaceuticals, revenue from sales of pharmaceutical products, consumer health Consumer Healthcare and Vaccines. The Consumer Healthcare segment comprises, for all geographical territories, the commercial operations for our 3/ Business net income Consumer Healthcare products, together with research, development and production activities dedicated to those We believe that understanding of our operational performance by products. Business net income was unchanged year-on-year as a percentage of net sales, at 19. Presentation of net sales the principal purchase accounting effects of acquisitions and In the discussion below, we present our consolidated net sales business combinations on net income are: for 2018, 2017, and 2016. We analyze our net sales among amortization and net impairment losses charged against various categories, including by business, product and intangible assets (other than software and other rights of an geographical region. The the elimination of restructuring costs and similar items impact of these restatements is described in detail in Note enhances comparability because those costs are incurred in A. On the earlier of (i) 24 months before the scheduled launch date or (ii) the first positive A. Sanofi recognizes all the sales of those that a presentation of our two principal alliances is useful to an antibodies. Profits and losses arising from commercial operations understanding of our financial statements. Outside the United States, Sanofi is entitled to between 55% and 65% of profits depending the financial impact of the alliances on our income statement is on sales of the antibodies, and bears 55% of any losses. In November 2007, Sanofi and Regeneron signed new In January 2018, Sanofi and Regeneron signed a set of agreements (amended in November 2009) for the discovery, amendments including an amendment to the collaboration development and commercialization of fully human therapeutic agreement on the development and commercialization of human antibodies. As part of the agreements, Sanofi made an upfront If an option is exercised under the 2009 amended agreements, payment of $640 million to Regeneron. The two companies also Sanofi co-develops the antibody with Regeneron and is agreed to reallocate $75 million (spread over three years) to responsible for funding. This prohibition will remain in place also lead commercialization in the United States. Sanofi will lead until the earlier of (i) the later of the fifth anniversaries of the commercialization outside the United States. As of December 31, 2018 Sanofi has sold 226,153 shares interest held by Sanofi in Regeneron has been consolidated by of Regeneron Stock to Regeneron pursuant to the 2018 Letter the equity method since April 2014. Puerto Rico remain unchanged and continue to be governed by the terms of the original agreement until December 2019. If Regeneron decides not to purchase the shares, countries where the euro is not the local currency, our results of Sanofi will be allowed to sell those shares on the open market, operations can be significantly affected by exchange rate subject to certain volume and timing limitations. A decrease in the value of 2018 amount to 892 million and 389 million, respectively. During the year ended on our operating income, which is higher in the United States December 31, 2018, Bioverativ generated net sales of than elsewhere, and on the contribution to net income of our 1,068 million. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Sanofi acquired Ablynx on May 14, 2018 for 3,897 million. The net cash outflow on this acquisition amounted to 3,639 million, and is recorded within Acquisitions A. Divestments of consolidated undertakings and investments accounted On September 30, 2018, Sanofi finalized the divestment of for using the equity method in the consolidated statements of Zentiva, its European Generics business, generating a pre-tax cash flows. The goodwill arising on that acquisition venture and the acquisition of the vaccines portfolio that reverts represents (i) the capacity to draw on a specialized structure to to Sanofi. As of December 31, 2016, the fair value of the contingent to 1,876 million out of total goodwill of 2,222 million. On August 25, 2017, Sanofi acquired 100% of Protein Sciences, For further details about the divestments mentioned above, see a biotechnology company headquartered in Meriden, Connecticut Note D. The principal product of Protein Sciences is included at Item 18 of this annual report. Acquisitions included two contingent purchase consideration elements of Sanofi acquired Bioverativ Inc. The provisional purchase price business operating income and consolidated net income for the allocation resulted in the recognition of goodwill amounting to year ended December 31, 2017 were not material. Rebates are granted to 154 million paid on January 4, 2017 and (ii) contingent healthcare authorities, and under contractual arrangements with consideration of 354 million based on a percentage of future certain customers. The discounts, incentives and rebates described above are estimated on the basis of specific For further information about the acquisitions mentioned above, contractual arrangements with our customers or of specific terms see Notes D. Critical accounting and reporting policies amount of sales returns, on the basis of contractual sales terms and reliable historical data. Discounts, incentives, rebates and Our consolidated financial statements are affected by the sales returns are recognized in the period in which the underlying accounting and reporting policies that we use. Certain of our sales are recognized within Net Sales, as a reduction of gross accounting and reporting policies are critical to an understanding sales. For additional details regarding the financial impact of of our results of operations and financial condition, and in some discounts, incentives, rebates and sales returns, see Note D. Business combinations obtain substantially all of the remaining benefits from the completed on or after January 1, 2010 are accounted for in products. If the contingent consideration was As regards contracts with distributors, Sanofi does not recognize originally recognized as a liability, subsequent adjustments to the revenue when the product is physically transferred to the liability are recognized in profit or loss (see Note D. In such cases, revenue is our consolidated financial statements included at Item 18 of this recognized when control is transferred to the end customer and annual report). We test for impairment on the basis of the same carry-forwards and on temporary differences between the tax objective criteria that were used for the initial valuation. We calculate valuation and ongoing tests are based on the relationship of the our deferred tax assets and liabilities using enacted tax rates value of our projected future cash flows associated with the asset applicable for the years during which we estimate that the to either the purchase price of the asset (for its initial valuation) or temporary differences are expected to reverse. The recognize deferred tax assets when it is more likely than not that determination of the underlying assumptions relating to the the deferred tax assets will not be realized. The recognition of recoverability of intangible assets is subjective and requires the deferred tax assets is determined on the basis of profit forecasts exercise of considerable judgment. Key assumptions relating to for each tax group, and of the tax consequences of the strategic goodwill impairment and intangible assets are the perpetual opportunities available to Sanofi. A sensitivity 7/ Provisions for risks analysis to the key assumptions is disclosed in Note D. Subsequent remeasurements of the fair value constructive, as a result of a past event; it is probable that an of the asset are recognized in profit or loss.

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Specifically we will look at care of extremity blood loss because options are limited for treatment of severe bleeding from the head and neck, chest, and abdomen. When blood is not moving there is a strong tendency to clot and these clots are what stops the bleeding. Therefore, after bleeding stops utmost care must be exerted to prevent disruption of the clot and further bleeding. Hemorrhage control by direct pressure is best accomplished by applying firm circumferential pressure around the limb trapping the injured tissue against the bone and elevating the limb until bleeding is completely stopped. It was thought that indiscriminate use would lead to tissue damage from limb ischemia and amputation. In fact, tourniquets are routinely used during orthopedic surgeries and routinely left on for up to 3 hours with no ill effects. Patients with a tourniquet placed in the absence of shock had a 90% survival rate versus a 10% survival rate in those whose tourniquet was placed after development of shock. Ideally, the patient will be able to place his own tourniquet to avoid needless delay. It is unlikely the wound will be large enough to pack Neck or scalp wounds in non-compressible areas. McGill Throughout this monograph, the terms physician and surgeon are used for convenience. When describing the fluid-filled chambers of a chest drain, the word water is used for simplicity. Sterile water or sterile saline may be used unless contraindicated by the manufacturer. At the completion of this self-study activity, the learner should be able to Describe the normal anatomy of the chest. Compare and contrast the traditional three-bottle chest drainage system with the self-contained disposable chest drainage units available today. Water Seal Chamber the water seal chamber is connected to the collection chamber and provides the protection of the one-way valve discussed earlier. The water seal in most disposable drainage units is formed with an asymmetric U-tube rather than a narrow tube submerged underwater as in the traditional bottle systems. The narrow arm (closest to the collection chamber) is equivalent to the tube; the larger arm serves as the water reservoir. When the fluid reservoir is filled to 2 centimeters above the seal in the U-tube, it has the same effect as submerging the tube in the bottle system 2 centimeters below the surface of the water. In addition to providing the one-way valve, a U-tube design can also be used to measure pressure. When pressures on both sides of the U-tube are equal, the water level is equal in both arms. However, if the pressures on each arm differ, fluid moves away from the side of higher pressure toward the side with lower pressure. If the water seal column on the front of the chest drain is calibrated with markings, the fluid movement acts as a water manometer for measuring intrapleural pressure, providing additional assessment data for the clinician. Some units have an anti-siphoning float valve in the water seal fluid column that prevents the water from being siphoned out of the water seal chamber and into the collection chamber during situations that create high negative pressures, such as chest tube stripping. To eliminate this pressure accumulation, manufacturers have also added manual high negative pressure relief valves to chest drain systems that allow filtered atmospheric air to enter the system to prevent any accumulation of negative pressure in the patient. However, with manual devices, the clinician must recognize the condition of high negativity, evidenced by the rise in the water level in the water seal, and depress the relief valve to remedy the situation. Many systems now employ a float ball design at the top of the water seal chamber with a notch that allows fluid to pass through it. Thus, no water spills into the collection chamber, and no water is lost, so the one-way valve protection is not put at risk during conditions of high negative intrapleural pressure. Dry Seal Chest Drains Some chest drains use a mechanical one-way valve in place of a conventional water seal. The mechanical one-way valve allows air to escape from the chest and prevents air from entering the chest. An advantage of a mechanical one-way valve is that it does not require water to operate and it is not position-sensitive the way a water-filled chamber is. A drawback to any mechanical one-way valve is that it does not provide the same level of patient assessment information as a conventional water seal; for example, the clinician cannot see changes in the water level reflecting pressure 17 placed high in the chest to evacuate air, and one tube is placed low in the chest to drain fluid on the same side. Since the lower tube is likely to drain both fluid and air, it is connected to the major collection chamber. Since the upper tube will mostly evacuate air, it is connected to the minor collection chamber. Double units may also be used in cardiovascular surgery when the surgeon wants to monitor drainage from two mediastinal tube locations separately. The tube(s) placed below the heart are connected to the major chamber and the tube(s) above the heart are connected to the minor chamber. Or, if a pleural tube is required because the parietal pleura was entered during cardiac surgery (particularly if the internal mammary artery is used for a bypass), the pleural tube can be connected to the minor chamber since it is placed to evacuate air. Infant Chest Drainage Systems the most prominent feature of infant chest drainage units is the smaller collection chamber that holds less drainage than an adult unit. The patient tubing may have a narrower inner diameter compared with adult drains and usually has smaller connectors to connect the patient tubing to the smaller chest tubes used for infants. Closed Wound Reservoirs Closed wound drainage systems were originally designed to remove fluid from closed surgical sites; now they are being used for cardiothoracic surgical patients. Bulb suction reservoirs connect to the wound drain and create suction to evac uate fluid. In a cardiothoracic patient, a closed system with no vent presents the potential for a catastrophic complication: tension pneumothorax. Chest drains vent to the atmosphere and have positive pressure relief valves for safety, wound drains do not. However, not all air leaks are immediately apparent, particularly when there is no water seal or air leak indicator. Whenever an air leak is present, a drainage catheter must be attached to an appropriate pleural drainage system to prevent tension pneumothorax. To use a bulb reservoir system, the reservoir is first "activated," creating unmeasured, unregulated suction that is transmitted to the surgical site. As the reservoir fills, tissues are exposed to varying levels of decreasing suction, and the bedside clinician has no way of knowing the level of suction being applied to the pericardial space or pleural cavity. As the reservoir fills, less negative pressure is present to draw fluid into the reservoir by suction, thus the flow rate of fluid and air leaving the chest will drop. If the drain fills (100cc) and is not emptied immediately, the pressures between the surgical site and the reservoir will equalize. Since a pressure gradient between the patient and any drain (reservoir) is necessary for drainage, when pres sures equalize, drainage stops. Thus, unlike a chest drainage system described above, a bulb reservoir system requires regular maintenance by the nurse to preserve patency. Table 1 compares the characteristics of a chest drain and a wound drain (reservoir) system. In recent years, however, this practice has been examined to see if, indeed, suction is required. One research study examined pulmonary resection patients and compared continuous suction to discontinuing suction for gravity drainage on postop day 2. In the gravity drainage water seal group, 67% of air leaks resolved one day after wall vacuum was discontinued. In patients who had continuous suction, only 7% of air leaks resolved by postop day 3. The researchers found that the duration of air leaks in the gravity water seal group was about one-half the time of the wall vacuum group. Since many argue that suction is critical for apposition of the pleurae postoperatively, these researchers initially used suction on all patients in the operating room. These researchers note that on inspection, bubbling is more vigorous in the water seal chamber when the chest drain is connected to wall vacuum, indicating a greater flow of air out of the lung. By switching to gravity drainage, airflow is reduced which allows the lung suture line to be more closely approximated, and speeds healing. They state that routinely using wall vacuum postoperatively is counter productive. If a chest drain is disconnected from suction, be sure the tube is open to the air. Any drain should be kept below the level of the chest tube to facilitate gravity drainage. Most drains have a carry handle that allows the patient to carry the drain while walking. The drain simply slips into the holder and is automatically held in the proper position. Tubing should be coiled on the bed and then fall in a straight line to the collection chamber of the chest drain. Avoid dependent loops in the patient tubing since they can impede drainage from the chest. The chest tube should not be clamped during patient movement, ambulation, or during trips to other parts of the hospital. Clamping the chest tube blocks drainage, which could result in a tension pneumothorax or cardiac tamponade. To locate the leak, clamp the tubing with a special tubing clamp or rubber-tipped (booted) hemostat. Start by clamping the chest tube where it leaves the chest, and work your way down to the collection chamber. Leave the clamp in place no longer than ten seconds while you glance at the water seal chamber. Once the clamp is placed between the air leak and the water seal, the bubbling should stop. If the bubbling is new and unexpected, take down the dressing and examine to see if a drainage eyelet has moved outside the chest wall as discussed earlier. If the bubbling continues when you place the clamp at the chest wall, place the clamp on the patient side of the connector between the chest tube and the tubing leading to the chest drain. Check to see that the tubing is connected tightly on each side of the connector and push the tubing and connector together as tightly as possible. If bubbling persists when you place the clamp on the drain side of the connector, the leak could be coming from a hole or puncture in the patient tubing. If bubbling does not stop after you have clamped at intervals all the way down the tubing, the drainage unit may be cracked and may need to be replaced. Suction Check suction connections and tubing routinely to ensure the tubing is patent and the system is operating properly. Check that the suction control chamber on the drain is set at the level ordered, or according to protocol. Typically, the suction level on the drain is -15 to -20cmH2O for adults; lower levels may be used for children, although there are no research studies to guide practice in this area. If the chest drain uses a wet suction control mechanism, pinch the suction tubing closed momentarily to stop bubbling so you can see the water level in this chamber. Adjust the vacuum source (typically a wall regulator) so that there is gen tle, continuous bubbling in the chamber. Bubbling that is too vigorous makes a lot of noise, which could disturb the patient with the chest tube as well as other patients nearby. Vigorous bubbling will cause faster evaporation and water may need to be added to maintain the desired level of suction control. Therefore, it is important to check the suction indicator to watch for unintended changes in imposed suction. Most one-piece chest drains have a positive pressure relief valve that prevents excess pressure from building up in the system. If someone inadvertently steps on the suction tubing, for example, or if equipment should roll over it, pressure will be vented through this valve, preventing the complication of tension pneumothorax. A preliminary study from the University of North Texas Health Science Center that examined using the mini chest drain showed a 72% reduction in the delay until full ambulation in patients with pulmonary wedge resection and a 40% reduction in length of stay. Look for more studies about the relationship between the portability of chest drainage systems, early ambulation and length of stay in the future. The measurement is usually given in millimeters of mercury (mmHg) or centimeters of water (cmH2O).

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Before goserelin therapy olive leaf antiviral purchase 100mg nemasole with amex, the patient is started on an anti-andro gen such as cyproterone to counteract the testosterone are hiv infection in korea generic 100mg nemasole. Side effects include impotence, gynaecomastia and depression Oestrogen: very effective but has limited use due to increased incidence risk of cardiovascular dis ease. Its use is limited by the small therapeutic window between tumour cure and normal tissue damage. In cancer, radiotherapy is used for radical and adjuvant treatment and palliatively. Adjuvant treatment Adjuvant treatment is used to eradicate residual microscopic disease following surgery. Cancer grading 347 Neoadjuvant treatment is used before surgery to increase the operability and treat micro scopic disease. Examples include pain from: bone metastases; spinal cord compression; superior vena cava obstruction; cerebral metastases. The total dose of radiotherapy given in the palliative setting is lower than that used in treat ment, but in the palliative setting it is given in a larger fraction over a shorter period of time. Side effects Early side effects of radiotherapy include the following: Eye: conjunctivitis Skin: pain, redness, ulceration Gastrointestinal tract: mucositis, proctitis Lung: pneumonitis Bladder: cystitis. Late effects of radiotherapy include the following: Skin telangiectasia Delayed wound healing Fibrosis, stula and stricture (small bowel) Secondary solid malignancy and leukaemia Immunotherapy the basic premise of immunotherapy is that cancer cells express mutated proteins or over express differentiation antigens that can then be recognised by antibodies or T-cells (Durrant and Scholeeld, 2006). Angiogenesis inhibitors Angiogenesis inhibitors block blood vessels formation, which results in inhibition of tumour growth. Examples are thalidomide in multiple myeloma and bevacizumab in colorectal cancer. The report recognised that there would be a need to develop services alongside the screening programme to assess and treat the breast problems detected. Since then, the programme has evolved, responding to emerging evidence and changing technology, and new guidelines and targets have been set. The age range was extended up to 70 years, and a move was made to two-view screening throughout the programme, as this was shown to increase the small-cancer detection rate. In recent years, an overall uptake rate of 75 per cent has been achieved, and about 1. Since the onset of the screening programme, however, there have been changes in the inci dence of breast cancer in the population as well as more effective treatment methods, and the contribution of screening in terms of mortality reduction has been questioned. It has been recognised that there are negative as well as positive aspects to screening. In par ticular, there are concerns regarding anxiety caused by false-positive recalls, risks associated with radiation exposure and possible over-diagnosis of very early-stage disease. This overview of the English experience of screening is based largely on a report issued in 2006 by the Advisory Committee on Breast Cancer Screening, which summarised progress to date and looked forward to future developments. It is thought that half of this increase is due to screening and half is due to a real change in the incidence of the disease. Data have shown clearly that, although women participating in screening are more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer, their cancers are signicantly smaller and less likely to be treated with mastectomy than in women presenting symptomatically. Statistics show that Cancer screening 349 death rates from breast cancer have fallen since 1990 in all age groups, partly as a result of ear lier diagnosis but also due to improvements in the management of the disease, particularly hor monal therapy. Attempts to measure the exact contribution of screening have included looking at surrogate measures of mortality based on the size, nodal status and grade of the cancers detected. About 70 per cent is high-grade disease and thus more likely to develop into invasive cancer. Interval cancer rates have also been used as a measure of the success of the screening programme. Quality assurance monitoring and the setting of increasingly rigorous targets have played important parts in ensuring that all aspects of the service have continued to develop and maintain high standards. Statistics concerning uptake, screening intervals, recall rates, numbers and sizes of cancers diagnosed, preoperative diagnosis and benign biopsy rates are collected regularly and fed back to screening units, and action is recommended if targets are not reached in any of these areas. False-positive recalls can create high levels of anxiety in the short term, but studies have shown that few women suffer serious long-term consequences. The aim is always to reduce recall rates to as low a level as possible, while maximising the detection of small cancers. The introduction of double reading of mammograms has been shown to improve cancer detection rates by about 10 per cent. Film-reading performance gures are audited regularly, and it is encouraging that improvement in the detection of small cancers, alongside a fall in recall rates, has occurred consistently since the start of the programme. The assessment process has generated improvements in biopsy techniques, including core biopsy largely replacing ne needle aspiration, digital stereotaxis and, more recently, sophisticated wide-bore needle biopsy systems. High-quality lm-screen mammography is still the only screening method of proven value through randomised controlled trials. Studies have indicated that this has a similar sensitivity and better specicity when compared with lm screening, and it enables a lower radiation dose to be used. Multiple other advantages are apparent, such as the ability to manipulate images avoiding additional exposures, better visualisation of dense breast tissue, and opportunities for improved image storage and transmission. Magnetic resonance imaging has been shown to be highly sensitive for the detection of invasive breast cancer. Its use as a screening method is limited, however, by expense, lower specicity, and difculty of throughput of large numbers. Screening has been estimated to save 1400 lives each year, at a cost of approximately 3000 for each life-year saved. Screening has aided research that has led to improvements in the early diagnosis of breast cancer, and it con tinues to stimulate and support studies relating to the prevention, diagnosis and management of the disease. The benet has also been seen outside the screened population of women in a general increase in awareness and thus earlier presentation of symptomatic disease and the development of improved services for the diagnosis and treatment of all women with breast problems. Challenges for the near future include extending the service to include women between the ages of 47 years and 73 years, including the screening of younger women with a signicant family history of breast cancer in the programme, and embracing digital technology. Colonoscopy is used to screen high-risk cases with previous colon tumour, polyps, ulcerative colitis and family history of colorectal cancer. This chapter summarises the latest updates in cancer diagnosis, especially imaging. It briey describes surgical therapy, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormonal therapy. It also emphasises the importance of cancer screening, in particular for breast cancer. Surgical incisions 353 Skin incisions For best results, place skin incisions along skin tension lines. Skin tension lines run parallel to the dermal collagen bundles but at right-angles to the direction of contraction of the muscles underneath. To nd skin tension lines: Face: look for wrinkles Limbs and trunk: handle the skin to nd the maximum wrinkling direction. Their existence is due to the fact that col lagen bres in the dermis lie mostly in parallel bundles. Elsewhere in the body, cleavage lines tend to be lon gitudinal in the limbs and circumferential in the neck and trunk. All incisions are described as vertical, horizontal (transverse), oblique or continuous (S shaped). The following ve main characteristics should be considered when selecting an appropriate suture material: Strength Physical structure Absorbability Tensile behaviour Biological behaviour. Needles Suture needles are made of stainless-steel or carbon steel and are packaged in water-resistant foil. The following bodies are used: Straight Half-curved Curved (1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8) Compound curved J-shaped Needle-holders the needle-holder must be selected carefully to match the size and strength of the needle. Glue and tissue adhesive Glues are composed of brinogen and thrombin and tend to be based upon a solution of n butyl-2-cyanocrylate. Self-adhesive tape and Steristrips Quick No need for local anaesthetic For tension-free wound. Stainless-steel and wire Non-absorbable and inert Approximate bones Example of use: sternum. For interrupted single-layer serosubmucosal or extramucosal anastomosis, individual sutures are placed 5 mm apart and deep. For the continuous extramucosal single-layer anastomosis, a similar technique is used: 1 Place a full-length stay suture at the mesenteric border and ligate. Complications of bowel anastomosis include: leakage due to poor technique, poor blood supply or tension on the anastomosis; stenosis, which could lead to obstruction. Vascular anastomoses Intima to intima with everting sutures: Require more delicate handling compared with bowel, in order to prevent injury to the delicate wall. Stapled anastomoses Circular stapling devices are used for end-to-end anastomoses. The types of anastomosis used include the following: Vascular: end to end Single layer: continuous Renal: ureter to ureter, ureter to bladder Fistulae: bowel to skin, loop or end colostomy or ileostomy. Precipitating fac tors relate to poor wound healing, including the following: General factors. Principles and types of repair Open repair 1 Excise the old scar and redundant skin. Complications of incisional herniae Infection Seroma Enterocutaneous stula Recurrence of incisional hernia. Anaesthesia is very safe these days due to the use of modern technology in designing the machines and monitoring devices. The death rate for modern anaesthesia is one in 1 million general anaesthetics admin istered for a t patient. Inadequate preoperative preparation of the patient may increase the morbidity and mortality in the perioperative period. This also gives ample time for the anaesthetist to prepare the patient for the surgery and anaesthesia and to optimise any coexisting medical conditions. Many operations are now performed as day sur gery procedures, and the patient may see the anaesthetist for the rst time just before surgery. For example, some premed ication drugs are used in specic situations, such as the administration of H2 receptor antago nists and sodium citrate antacid in obstetric anaesthesia. In modern anaesthesia, the use of atropine or glycopyrrolate to reduce secretions is not a routine practice except in difcult intu bations. Commonly, intravenous agents are used to induce anaesthesia and inhalational agents are used to maintain anaesthesia. In certain clinical situations, such as difcult airway, an inhalational agent is used to both induce and maintain anaesthesia. In this section we discuss the pharmacology of the com monly used intravenous and inhalational anaesthetic agents and opioid analgesics. There are several differences between thiopental and propofol: Propofol causes greater hypotension. Therefore, propofol is associated with a quicker recovery and less drowsiness postoperatively. Propofol has revolutionised day surgery, as it is eliminated rapidly and causes less drowsiness postoperatively. Inhalational anaesthetic agents Inhalational anaesthesia is the most popular method of maintenance of anaesthesia. There are similarities between all inhalational agents, with only minor differences between the individual agents. The advantages of inhalational anaesthesia are that it: can be used for both induction and maintenance; produces immobility and amnesia; can produce muscle relaxation and potentiate the effects of neuromuscular blocking agents; decreases oxygen consumption; assists in the protection of the heart and brain from hypoxic injury; suppresses the stress response to surgery; offers easy control of depth of anaesthesia with the use of agent monitors, which allow breath-by breath assessment of the concentration of the drug. All inhalational anaesthetics have an enviable safety record and have been administered tens of millions of times. In susceptible individuals, contact with specic inhalational anaes thetics or muscle relaxant suxamethonium can abnormally release calcium from the sarcoplas mic reticulum into the cytoplasm of the cells. Sevourane is the least irritant to the airway; desurane and isourane can cause laryn gospasm and airway obstruction during induction. Isourane, sevourane and desurane are not arrhythmogenic and protect against myocardial ischaemia. Opioid analgesics Analgesia is an important part of anaesthesia in the perioperative period.

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A positive you, we must request that you consult with a physician prior to participating in response means that there is a preexisting condition that may affect your safety scuba diving. Have you ever had or do you currently have High blood pressure or take medicine to control blood pressure The information I have provided about my medical history is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I agree to accept responsibility for omissions regarding my failure to disclose any existing or past health condition. A history of head Apparatus) can provide recreational divers with an enjoyable injury resulting in unconsciousness should be evaluated for risk sport safer than many other activities. The list of condi Temporary Risk Condition tions that might adversely affect the diver is not all-inclusive, but contains the most commonly encountered medical problems. The History of cerebral gas embolism without residual where pul brief introductions should serve as an alert to the nature of the monary air trapping has been excluded and for which there risk posed by each medical problem. As with any Any abnormalities where there is a significant probability of recreational activity, there are no data for diving enabling the cal unconsciousness, hence putting the diver at increased risk of culation of an accurate mathematical probability of injury. Divers with spinal cord or brain abnormalities where ence and physiological principles only permit a qualitative perfusion is impaired may be at increased risk of decompression assessment of relative risk. Relative Risk refers to a moderate increase in Inner Ear) Decompression Sickness with residual deficits risk, which in some instances may be acceptable. Some medical problems Relative Risk Conditions which may preclude diving are temporary in nature or respon the diagnoses listed below potentially render the diver unable to sive to treatment, allowing the student to dive safely after they meet the exertional performance requirements likely to be have resolved. These conditions may lead the diver to experience cardiac ischemia and its consequences. Conditioning and retesting may make later qualifi consultation by phone +1 919 684 2948 during normal business cation possible. The resting energy cost (net oxygen signs, such as migraine or demyelinating disease, contraindicate requirement) is thus standardized. Individuals who instances where the problem necessitating pacing does not have experienced spontaneous pneumothorax should avoid preclude diving, will the diver be able to meet the perform diving, even after a surgical procedure designed to prevent ance criteria Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and As with other organ systems and disease states, a process which valvular stenosis may lead to the sudden onset of uncon chronically debilitates the diver may impair exercise performance. Any process or lesion that impedes airflow from the lungs places Temporary Risk Conditions the diver at risk for pulmonary overinflation with alveolar rupture and the possibility of cerebral air embolization. Altered anatomical relationships secondary to surgery or malfor mations that lead to gas trapping may cause serious problems. A pneumothorax that occurs or reoccurs while diving may be cat Gas trapped in a hollow viscous expands as the divers surfaces astrophic. Spontaneous bleeding into the joints tory canal, middle ear and paranasal sinuses. Relative Risk Conditions the inner ear is fluid filled and therefore noncompressible. With the exception of diabetes mellitus, states of altered hormon the laryngeal and epiglotic structure must function normally to al or metabolic function should be assessed according to their prevent aspiration. Obesity Mandibular and maxillary function must be capable of allowing may predispose the individual to decompression sickness, can the patient to hold a scuba mouthpiece. Individuals who have impair exercise tolerance and is a risk factor for coronary artery had mid-face fractures may be prone to barotrauma and rupture disease. Box 64026 Roseto, Italy, tele phone non-emergency line: weekdays office hours +39-085-893 5. Departments of Anesthesiology and Pulmonary Associate Clinical Professor Medicine Richard Vann, Ph. In fact there were 193 deaths due to wounds of the upper and lower extremities, of the 2600. The new wording does, however, emphasize that shock and cardiac arrest may ensue if the tension pneumothorax is not treated promptly. These two more invasive procedures are recommended only when the casualty is in refractory shock, not as the initial treatment. The abnormal presence of air, fluid and/or tissue within the pleural cavity does not generally reflect disease of the pleura per se; but instead represents a disorder of the airways and/or lung parenchyma, or the development of a primary systemic illness. Regardless of the cause(s), a significant collection of air or fluid within the pleural cavity can represent a potentially life threatening condition and this must be the first priority of the clinician. This manuscript will discuss common causes of the most frequently seen pleural space disorders, and outline general treatment plans that can be used as guidelines when treating actual clinical cases. Blunt chest trauma, such as being hit by a car, is the most frequently seen condition that cause pneumothorax. Less commonly, pneumothorax may result from penetrating chest injuries, rupture of lung lesions associated with infection (pneumonia) tumor (primary or metastatic) or congenital blebs or bullae (unusual). When trauma creates a "one-way" flap valve from a portion of the injured chest wall, air flows into the chest cavity on inspiration only. This results in pressure within the chest that exceeds atmospheric pressure, and is known as a "tension pneumothorax". Clinical signs of pneumothorax may be subtle or dramatic, and progress from rapid shallow breathing to open mouth panting as the condition worsens. If there is a slow accumulation of air, the early signs of respiratory difficulty may be on inspiration only. Rapid shallow breathing is a vagal reflex, and is not generally due to low oxygen tension or a significant acid base disorder. In fact, if an animal does not have underlying parenchymal lung disease, 60 cc/kg of air must be present within the pleural cavity before significant labored breathing occurs; 30 cc/kg of free pleural air is required to cause subtle clinical signs. Diagnosis of pneumothorax is usually made on the basis of rapid shallow breathing and the classic radiographic appearance of an "elevated" heart, retraction of the lung from the chest wall 1 and increased density of collapsed long lobes. If the chest radiograph is hard to interpret, the disorder can be confirmed if thoracocentesis produces free pleural air. Treatment: Because the most common cause of pneumothorax is trauma, the author emphasizes the importance of pain relief for these patients. Not only is it the humane and right thing to do, but the painful animal will avoid deep breathing. This reluctance to make a full inspiratory effort will worsen the hypoventilatory state. It is important to recognize that only about 10-15 cc/kg of air needs be removed for clinical signs to be greatly relieved, at least in the short term: 1. Air should be removed slowly from the pleural cavity, using a 60 cc syringe and a 3-way stopcock. This is because rapid expansion of a collapsed lung lobe is associated with a phenomenon known as "re-expansion pulmonary edema". In this setting micro capillaries within the rapidly expanding lobe rupture and leak their fluid contents into the parenchyma of the lung. Rapid expansion of a lung lobe may also result in displacement of a recently formed fibrin seal that might have formed over the original source of the air leak. When the animal inhales 100% oxygen the dissolved gas pressure drops within the pulmonary blood vessels. The dissolved gas pressure of the free air in the pleural space is higher than the recently lowered pressure in the pleural vessels. Thus, by administering 100% oxygen you have established a pressure gradient that drives the free pleural air into the pleural blood vessels, this gradient can increase the speed of absorption of free air by a factor of 500%. The decision to place one or more chest tubes instead of frequent chest tapping with a needle and syringe apparatus is often a practical one, and there are no controlled studies documenting the "proper" time to place chest tubes in animals. This device was created one half century ago to treat traumatic pneumothorax in wartime conditions, and is based on the principle that positive pressure from within the chest will cause air to leave through the open rubber flutter valve during expiration. Conversely, the flutter valve collapses as negative pressure is created during inspiration, and no additional air will enter the chest. I routinely place a single chest tube when the clinical signs associated with a pneumothorax recur more than once after needle drainage. This chest tube, ideally, should be attached to a constant drainage device such as a commercially available pleurovac. A two or three bottle system drainage device is equally effective, less costly, and can be created from bottles and tubing found in any veterinary practice. Diaphragmatic hernia may be congenital or may result from abdominal trauma at a time when the glottis is closed. The resulting pressure differential across the diaphragm can lead to rupture and herniation of abdominal viscera into the thorax. Palpation may reveal a non-compliant thoracic cage or displacement of the cardiac impulse from its characteristic location at the 5th intercostal space in the left hemithorax (see article in this edition on diagnostic techniques). Auscultation may reveal displacement of this maximal cardiac impulse, dull cardiac tones, or borborygmus if a bowel loop is present in the field of auscultation. If this is not available, a dilute contrast agent placed in the abdominal cavity may be visible radiographically in the thorax within one hour. Diaphragmatic hernia may be present for months or years without causing clinical signs. There is no advantage to waiting until signs appear, because this serves to increase the peri and post-operative mortality associated with the surgical repair. Pleural Effusion and Hemothorax the pleural cavity is composed of two potential spaces separated by a fenestrated mediastinum. The pleural cavity in the dog usually contains less than 5 cc of fluid, and a similar amount in the healthy cat is assumed. Excess fluid accumulation may be the result of increased production (systemic hypertension, decreased colloid pressure, increased capillary permeability) or decreased drainage (venous hypertension, lymphatic obstruction). Clinical signs of pleural effusion are similar to those associated with pneumothorax, and include rapid shallow breathing. In the absence of lung parenchymal disease, clinical signs of serious respiratory embarrassment are not evident until at least 30-60 cc/kg body weight of pleural fluid has accumulated. Percussion of the chest (of limited value in diagnosis of feline chest disease) may result in dull percussive notes. If this is recognized it can be used to distinguish pneumothorax from pleural effusion. Chest radiographs classically reveal retraction of lobar borders from the thoracic walls, thickening of interlobar fissures, and blunted cardiophrenic angles. Confirmation of pleural effusion ideally requires aspiration of free pleural fluid, although loculated fluid may be difficult to aspirate. If the presence of free pleural fluid is in doubt, ultrasonography is a particularly sensitive method of confirming pleural effusion. If pleural effusion is confirmed, determining the cause of the effusion usually requires cytologic and biochemical analysis of the pleural fluid. Descriptions of pleural fluid have traditionally been based upon the distinction between transudates (low specific density, low 3 protein content, poorly cellular), exudates (high specific gravity, high protein content, highly cellular) and modified transudates (moderate cellularity, more protein than transudates). The large number of disorders that may produce modified transudative fluid, a category that does not point to any particular disorder, limits this somewhat outdated classification scheme. We have reported a classification scheme for analysis of feline pleural fluid that is based on the method used to classify human pleural effusion. In this system, the first step is to determine if the pleural fluid is a transudate or an exudate. Importantly, if a transudate is found, further fluid analysis including cell content and differential, specific gravity measurement, culture, etc. Transudates in cats are caused almost exclusively by congestive heart failure (right or left sided), hypoproteinemia or excessive intravenous fluid administration. In the case of hyproteinemia, transudates do not generally form unless albumin is less than 1.