
William De Foor, MD, MPH, FAAP

  • Associate Professor, Division of Pediatric Urology,
  • Cincinnati Children? Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio

Each new Salmonella attack immediately invaded the liver so a vicious cycle was set up skin care products for rosacea generic accutane 10mg without prescription. Perhaps in two years the liver will have recovered enough to kill Salmonella that enter it acne grades order accutane with mastercard, but she is not taking any chances till then skin care kit order cheapest accutane. Although Kristen was eating food polluted with both Sal monellas and Shigellas she only picked up Salmonella acne around nose generic 5 mg accutane overnight delivery, never Shigella! It is caused by fluke parasites reaching the brain or spinal cord and attempting to multiply there skin care at 30 discount accutane 40 mg with mastercard. All meats are a source of fluke parasite stages unless canned or very well cooked acne x lanvin generic accutane 40mg visa. Pets and family members are undoubtedly carriers of the same flukes, although they do not show the same symptoms. The most important question you must be able to answer is why did these parasites enter your brain and spinal cord Evidently these solvents accumulate first in the motor and sensory regions of the brain, inviting the parasites to these locations. Your brain is trying desperately to heal these lesions, only to be assailed by a fresh batch of solvent and Shigellas and another generation of parasites and pathogens. The mercury that is constantly released in the mouth does not all get excreted by the kidneys or eliminated by the bowels. You will be able to eliminate and excrete more mercury by doing a kidney and liver cleanse. For this reason mercury removal should be done extra thoroughly to be sure no thallium has been left behind. Or pur chase pork brains at the grocery store and snip out a portion of the sensory lobe and cerebellum. Also test for parasites, bacteria (especially Nocardia and Shigella) and other pollutants such as arsenic and pesticides. If the disease (tremor and lack of sensation) has not progressed too far, you can cure it. In all cases you can stop it from progressing further by cleaning up dentalware, the environment and diet. Our tests showed her brain was full of scandium (tooth metal alloy) and fluoride (toothpaste). She had several bacteria growing in her jaw bone: Strep G (sore throat bacteria), Staphylococcus aureus (this was raising her pulse to over 100), Clostridium tetani (causes great stiffness), and Shigella (produces nerve toxins). She was put on the parasite program plus thioctic acid (2 a day) and histidine (500 mg, one a day to keep nickel levels down)and advised to cook and eat with non metal. A half year later she was walking and working normally, doing liver cleanses and keeping up her vigilance against parasites and pollutants. She went to a chelating doctor and this cleared up her temporary ischemic attacks (T. But she had lost her balance, eyesight was getting worse, her feet and hands stung. These are dental alloys, al though barium could come from bus exhaust (she wore no lip stick). She stated she was afraid to stop her new health program, though, and this was good policy. She had intestinal flukes and stages, human liver flukes and Trichinella in the brain. She also had propane and asbestos in her brain from leaky pipes and a worn washing machine belt. They eagerly removed the platform, found the oil on the water surface, cleaned everything up carefully, until no benzene could be found which put her on the road to recovery. Norma Luellen, a young mother, had tingling, numbness and weakness on the entire left side of her body. She had intestinal flukes and their stages, not in the intestine or liver or thymus, but in her brain! In spite of staying on the parasite program she got reinfected with sheep liver fluke, probably from eating hamburgers. She was not able to stop her carbonated beverage habit and frequently showed xylene, acetone, methylene chloride in addition to pentane in her white blood cells. She had intestinal flukes in the brain (cerebrum and cerebellum) but none in the intestine! She also had bismuth (cosmetics), palladium, copper, samarium, and tellurium (tooth alloys) in her brain. She began to improve enough to be off Prednisone by her 10th day of the parasite program. She was on Prednisone but her balance was getting so bad she had to be in a wheelchair. Her brain was full of gasoline; she used to work at a gas station and now was getting it from the attached garage. She had human liver flukes, sheep liver fluke and Trichinellas and dog tapeworm stages in her cerebellum (motor control center). After killing parasites and starting to take thioctic acid (4 a day) and cleaning up her environment she improved enough to drive a car again, walk without a cane in her home. He was full of kerosene and benzene possibly from fuel oil that he pumped for a living. He also had mer cury and thallium in his immune system which came from tooth fillings. And they were giving him the classical symptoms: numbness of hands and feet and gradual destruction of his nervous system. The fact that one child was beginning to show similar symptoms strengthened their belief in the gene theory. Ten days later his inappropriate laughter stopped; he could get his right hand to his face, he walked twice as fast and had very little tremor remaining. Strong chelating treatments obtained at a Mexican clinic had drawn much of the mercury and thallium out of his brain. He killed the flukes and Shigella bacteria electronically and stopped consuming unboiled milk. The brain solvents, xylene and toluene were removed quickly, too, as well as asbestos. His fast improvement showed them how important it was to remove the source of these pollutants in his home. Two days later he regressed considerably which made him feel quite depressed, since his chelating treatments had not stopped. He had inadvertently eaten a non-sterile dairy food: milk added to soup when it was already done cooking! He zapped the bacteria again and applied greater vigilance to eating only sterilized dairy foods. Then they scheduled their dental work, which had already been done once two years ago! Now, selecting a dentist with experience in finding tattoos and cleaning cavitations made much more sense to him than it had before. And to stay out of the workshop until the asbestos containing belt had been replaced and the furniture painting had been moved to a different building. High Blood Pressure High blood pressure is one of the easiest problems to correct without resorting to drugs. The most important change to make is to stop using caffeine as in coffee, tea, or carbonated beverages. Switch to hot milk or hot water if a hot beverage is desired, or any of the beverages given in the recipe section. If being without caffeine leaves you fatigued, take an arginine tablet in the morning (500 mg). Blood pressure is mainly controlled by the adrenal glands which sit like little caps on top of the kidneys. You could do your search in the kidneys since kidney tissue is available in grocery stores. Conducting or storing drinking water in containers of metal is as foolish a practice as eating food off the floor. You may not see what it picked up any more than you can see if it has picked up sugar or salt. If you find cadmium in your hot or cold water, you will never be able to filter it out. The amount of cadmium in your clothing from doing laundry with this water is already too much for your adrenals and kidneys. If you believe you already have plastic pipes or all copper (which leads to leu kemia, schizophrenia and fertility problems) you will need to search every inch of plumbing for a very short piece of galva nized pipe left in the system! The toxicity of cadmium, in fact, the high blood pressure connection, has been known a long time. All (100%) cases of high blood pressure I have seen could be easily cured by eliminating cadmium and other pollutants, followed by cleansing the kidneys. To test whether you still need your blood pressure medicine, wait until your pressure is down to 140/90 or better. If it has climbed back up you are not ready; go back to or a full dose of medicine. If your blood pressure stays down, cut your medicine in half again (you are now down to the regular dose) and see if your blood pressure stays improved. Better yet, make a salt that is a mixture of sodium and potassium chlorides (see Sources). The sodium portion could be sterilized sea salt (test and make sure it has no alumi num silicate in it first). Rinse these thoroughly first, throw away shriveled ones, and add vitamin C to the cooking water. Bala Cuzmin, age 72, had high blood pressure for ten years but the upper (systolic) pressure remained high in spite of various medi cines that were tried. She stopped using caffeine, switching to arginine tablets to get over the let-down. Her diet was changed to reduce phosphate and add calcium, and she took magnesium and Vitamin B6 to assist the kidneys. She killed parasites, cleansed kidneys but saw no drop in blood pressure which stayed at 150 to 170 systolic. She had all the metal in her mouth replaced and promptly saw a blood pressure drop to 145-1 50. She had phosphate crystals in her kidneys and was started on kidney herbs and a diet change to include milk and exclude soda pop. She was feeling so much better after the kidney cleanse that she decided to remove her last fillings and replace her bridge, too, since it was shedding ruthenium. On her way home from the dentist, her ears stopped ringing and soon her blood pressure was down to 126/68. She was still on half a dose of drugs because she was too afraid to go off entirely. This gave her the energy she wanted to play basketball with the grandchildren again. Then he could cut back on his medicines, measuring his blood pressure daily to guide him. After seven weeks it was down to 140/85, so he decided to do without medicine, a bit early. His next chore, which he approached gladly, was removal of all metal from his mouth. He still had some Ascaris and other health problems but was highly motivated to clean them up, too. Glaucoma In glaucoma the pressure in the eyeball gets too high, putting pressure on fragile retina cells that do your seeing. It is your tip-off, though, that something is not right and you should correct it now, when it is easy, and before other damage is done. Read the section on high blood pressure (page 210) to learn how to reduce it by going off caffeine, checking for cadmium poisoning from your water pipes, and cleansing the kidneys (page 549). Simply getting your blood pressure to normal is sufficient help for beginning glaucoma. Antonia Guerrero, age 51, had glaucoma for five years and was dete riorating rapidly. She cleansed her kidneys, killed parasites and changed her diet to the anti-arthritic one since she also suffered from arthritis in her hands for ten years with painful enlarged knuckles. She got rid of her asbestos toxins by bringing her own hair blower with her to the hairdresser. After seven months she had pain relief for her arthritis (without aspirin) and her glaucoma was pronounced stable by her ophthalmologist. We must look at the enamel, dentine and root of the tooth as well as the bone they rest in for some answers. Since commerce determines which re search can be done (that is, paid for) sacred territory can be ig nored. For example, the effects of sugar-eating, gum-chewing, tooth brushing, fluoridation, tooth filling materials and diet can be ignored if it interferes with product sales. Trivial studies such as comparing shapes of toothbrushes, studying the chemical composition of plaque, and studies of bacterial structure and genes are done instead. His scientific studies stand as a bea con even today because truths, once found, do not change. He described what he saw in a book, titled Nutrition and Physical 13 Degeneration.

The short process of the malleus is prominent or foreshortened acne cheap accutane 30 mg on-line, and the malleus may angle more posteriorly than usual skin care videos youtube buy cheap accutane 5mg on line. In the acute disease skin care not tested on animals purchase on line accutane, treatment is directed toward control of any infection in the nasopharynx acne y estres buy accutane 30mg fast delivery, and a decongestant with an antihistamine is recommended acne medication generic accutane 10mg without a prescription. Stubborn conditions acne jeans mens buy 30 mg accutane amex, with no obvious etiology and no previous history, often respond to two weeks of nasal steroid insufflation and oc casional politzerization. Cases that develop after an initial ear block or ear infection and resist other conservative treatment, occasionally respond to ventilation tube insertion for a minimum of three months. In children and selected resistent cases in adults, an adenoidectomy may be advisable, if hypertrophic or suspected of chronic infection. A silent or undiagnosed sinusitis can be associated with eustachian tube dysfunction. This may result in rupture of the tympanic membrane, laceration of the canal, and occasionally, ossicular disarticulation or subluxation of the stapes. There may be some bleeding, often marked tinnitus, and occasional vertigo and hearing loss, depending of the degree and location of the in jury. Infection could result when foreign material, especially water, is forced into the middle ear through a ruptured tympanic membrane. Treatment should consist of suction clearing, oral an tibiotic coverage for five to seven days, and a base line audiogram. Clean, small traumatic per 8-6 Otorhinolaryngology forations usually heal within three weeks, but the patient must avoid any significant barometric pressure changes as the perforation nears closure, and at no time should water or other fluids be allowed in the ear. Never use ear drops, unless a true infection with puralent drainage develops and then use only the suspension preparations. Small, dry, central performations may be dosed by cauterizing the edge of the perforation with trichloroacetic acid. It can be left open or one may elect to place a small patch made from cigarette paper or other thin paper over the per foration. Large perforations with a dry middle ear may be closed by a tissue graft if the Eustachian tube is functioning. Poor or absent Eustachian tube function gives surgery a decreased chance of success. If the ossicles show fixation or if there is considerable scarring with adhesions, hearing might decrease somewhat further even though the perforation is closed, as a result of the poorer transmission of sound and the cancella tion effect of sound striking both windows at the same time. A perforation, per se, which allows for equalization of pressure between the middle ear and the atmosphere does not affect flying. Sudden cold or hot air or water and loud noise may cause vertigo more easily in the perforated ear. Aerotitis media occurs rather frequently in the aviation community and is directly related to the function of the Eustachian tube in equalizing the pressure between the atmosphere and the middle ear space. The tympanic end of the Eustachian tube is bony and usually open, whereas the pharyngeal end is cartilaginous, slit-like, and closed, acting like a one-way flutter valve. Opening of the Eustachian tube occurs with the contraction of the levator and tensor veli palatini muscles during acts of chewing, swallowing, or yawning. As one ascends to altitude, the outside pressure decreases, and the greater middle ear pressure forces open the flutter valve, pharyngeal end of the Eustachian tube every 400 to 500 feet to about 35,000 feet, and then every 100 feet thereafter. During descent, the collapsed, closed, pharyngeal end of the Eustachian tube prevents air from entering the tube. The increasing relative negative pressure in the middle ear further holds the soft tissues together, and muscular (active) opening of the Eustachian tube must be accomplished before the differential pressure reaches 80 or 90 mm Hg. Once this magnitude of differential pressure is established, muscular action cannot overcome the suction effect on the closed Eustachian tube, and the tube is said to be locked. This relative negative pressure not only retracts the tympanic membrane but pulls on the delicate mucosal lining, leading to effusion and hemorrhage. On rare occasions rupture of the tympanic membrane has been seen, and some aircrew-men have developed shock or syncope. There may also be varying amounts of serous and bloody fluid visible behind the membrane. Active treatment is directed toward equalization of pressure, relief of pain, and prevention or treatment of infections in the ear, Eustachian tube, or nasopharynx. In an aircraft or low pressure chamber, descent should be stopped, and, if possible, there should be a return to a higher altitude where equalization can be attempted using the Valsalva maneuver or Politzer method. Middle ear inflation (politzerization) should be done especially if a negative pressure appears to remain on the ground and there is pain pre sent. Oral decongestants may be helpful and are recommended, but the effect of antihistamines is ques tionable. In cases of thick effusion and poor Eustachian tube function or inability to Valsalva, daily or every other day politzerization or tubal insufflation may be in order. Persistent serous fluid may be removed by needle aspiration, but thick mucoid or organized blood must be re moved by myringotomy if it has not cleared after two or three weeks of intensive therapy. Antibiotics are used only when infection is present in the upper respiratory region or develops during treatment. The procedure for self or mechanical inflation of the middle ear space is termed the Valsalva maneuver. It has been frequently observed in young student pilots and aircrewmen receiving earblocks in the low-pressure chamber or in flight during rapid descent, that they were unable to perform a proper Valsalva, frequently because they did not know the correct technique or were trying too hard. They are flexing the head or the chest, twisting the head to one side, pressure on the jugular vein, and being in the-prone position. The Valsalva maneuver requires the nose and mouth to be closed and the vocal cords open. Air pressure is then forced into the nose and nasopharynx forcing open the Eustachian tube and increasing the pressure in the middle ear space. This can be observed as a bulging of the tympanic membrane, especially in the posterior superior quadrant. The most frequently observed problems with the students were the fear that they would damage or rupture their eardrums, closing the vocal cords when they build up pressure like in the M-l maneuver, and straining so hard that marked venous congestion in the head further prevents opening of the Eustachian tube. Repeated overinflation does carry some risk and is discussed under politzerization and round window rupture. One of the best methods to prevent vocal cord closure is to instruct the patient or aircrewman to close his nose with his fingers and then attempt to blow his fingers off his nose, causing the nose to bulge from the pressure. The buildup of pressure should be rapid and sustained no longer than one to one and a half seconds to prevent the venous congestion that reduces the efficiency of the Eustachian tube function. Should the flight surgeon fail to see any movement of the tympanic membrane when he is evaluating the patient for Valsalva, he should then look for the small, quick retraction movement of the Toynbee maneuver, accomplished by closing the nose and swallowing. If a Toynbee is pre sent and the aircrewman feels pressure in his ears during Valsalva, has no sign of ear disease, and no history of problems with pressure changes, he usually can be qualified for aviation. The best evaluation for candidates is, of course, the low-pressure chamber or an actual unpressurized flight with rapid descent. Politzerization is the mechanical inflation of the middle ear usually required for treatment of acute ear and sinus blocks, chronic Eustachian tube dysfunction, or middle ear disease. To perform this procedure, one needs a source of pressure, either an air pump or rubber bag, with a one-way valve. For the air pump, it is most important to have variable control of the pressure and a pressure gauge, if possible. Most pressure/vacuum units in the Navy have a pressure gauge calibrated in pounds per square inch. If no gauge is present, the starting pressure should just be sufficient to blow off a lightly applied finger. When a pressure gauge is available, initial attempts should be done with ten pounds per square inch or less. To seal and deliver the pressure into the nose, an olive tip of metal, hard rubber, or glass is the most efficient. This tip may be attached to an atomizer if smoke or mist is desired for diagnostic or therapeutic reasons. If the patient has a very thin tympanic membrane, lower pressure must be tried first. An explana tion to the patient is important to assure cooperation and prevent sudden movements that could injure the nose. The first attempt at politzerization should be done by inserting the olive tip into a nostril, get ting a good seal but not striking the vestibule or septal walls. The opposite naris is occluded, and the patient is instructed to repeat K-K-K-K-K, loudly and sharply, as a one second burst of air is delivered. A characteristic soft palate flutter sound is heard if the procedure is performed correct ly. In the low-pressure chamber, this method is most often used to get maximum opening of the Eustachian tube. It must be remembered that with the water technique, prolonged or high pressure might cause damage to the tympanic membrane with even a remote possibility of damage to the round window membrane and inner ear. A rubber Politzer bag is available in most drugstores and is useful with the swallow technique in children with serous otitis media or where a pressurized air supply is not available. When the tympanic membrane is intact, acute middle ear infections are direct extensions of infections in the nose and nasopharynx, frequently set up by improper blowing of the nose. Catarrhal otitis media produces blockage of the Eustachian tube and middle ear mucosa in flammation, without bacterial invasion. The patient usually develops a fullness or plugged feeling in the ear and may feel as if fluid is present. There is hyperemia of the vascular strip and annulus, and occasionally the entire tympanic membrane may be diffusely hyperemic. Treatment is directed toward relieving discom fort through decongestants and analgesics. Acute suppurative otitis media results when virulent bacteria invade the middle ear space, most frequently as a complication of a cold, influenza, measles, or scarlet fever. Mucopurulence is formed in the middle ear space, and all parts of the middle ear may be inflamed from the Eustachian tube to the mastoid air cells. Deep, sometimes throbbing pain, fever, and a mild to moderate hearing loss develop. Initial examination of the ear may show tympanic membrane hyperemia and slight bulging, especially in the para flaccida. As the process continues, the bulging and inflammation distort or obscure the normal landmarks on the tympanic membrane. Medication should be continued for seven to ten days to assure com plete eradication even in the mastoid cells. Antihistamine decongestant or plain decongestant medication by mouth is prescribed. If perforation appears to be imminent, it is wise to do a myringotomy 8-1) to assure adequate drainage and clear perforation that heals more rapidly. If the tympanic membrane rup tures spontaneously, suction cleaning should be done, and if the drainage area is inadequate, con sideration should be given to enlarging it by myringotomy. Topical medication is only used in large perforations or when an external otitis is present or develops from the drainage. Middle ear anatomy and myringotomy sites (A adapted from and B and C from Saunders & Paparella, 1968, published by permission of the C. The principles of treatment are meticulous cleaning of the canal perforation and middle ear, removal of granulation tissue, and control of the infection with both systemic and topical an tibiotics. Neomycin-Cortisone suspension or Garamycin ophthalmic solutions may be introduced into the middle ear. One technique is to fill the canal with the solution and gently compress the tragus into the meatus while swallowing. For thick drainage and debris, it may be necessary to ir rigate with a one and a half or two percent acetic acid solution. The area should be suctioned clean and dry before using the antibiotic drops or powders to increase their effectiveness. Situated medial to the middle ear entirely within the petrous portion of the temporal bone lies the inner ear. It is composed of dense, compact bone two to three millimeters thick, form ing the osseous labyrinth. The fluid inside the membranous labyrinth, endolymph, has a high potassium content. The cochlea is a two and a half-turn coil about a central core called the modiolus, with the apex pointing anteriorly and laterally. The first two, the scala vestibuli associated with the oval window and the scala tympani associated with the round window, con tain perilymph and are joined at the apex of the cochlea through the helicotrema. The third or central compartment is the scala media or cochlea duct, containing endolymph. It contains the neural end organ of hearing, the organ of Corti, which rests on the thick basilar membrane that separates this compartment from the scala tympani. The organ of Corti contains about 24,000 hair cells ar ranged throughout the cochlea as a single row of inner cells and from three to five rows of outer cells.

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Antibody who develops severe respiratory symptoms may re titers developed rapidly after vaccination acne scar removal discount accutane 30 mg with amex, but they quire endotracheal intubation with positive pressure were highly specific for the conjugate rather than for ventilation to maintain airway patency and oxygen a common trichothecene backbone skin care zarraz paramedical buy 40 mg accutane with mastercard. A physician trained in pulmonary or intensive Another approach was to develop antibody-based care medicine should conduct any required advanced (antiidiotype) vaccines against T-2 toxin acne homemade mask purchase discount accutane on line. Protective airway management skin care tips for men buy accutane 20 mg with amex, with a focus upon maintaining monoclonal antibodies were generated and used to ventilation and oxygenation skin care 8 year old buy accutane 5mg, as well as preventing induce specific monoclonal antiidiotypic antibodies acne wiki purchase genuine accutane online. Theoretically, granuloctye-stimu When mice were vaccinated with these antibodies, they lating factors may be useful for patients who develop developed neutralizing titers that protected against 144 bone marrow suppression. Thus, an the early use of high doses of systemic glucocortico antiidiotypic antibody would be feasible as a vaccine steriods increases survival time by decreasing the pri candidate against T-2 toxin. When a monoclonal antibody against T-2 (an antihistamine) or naloxone (an opioid antagonist) toxin (15H6) was given to rats (250 mg/kg) 30 minutes prolonged the survival times of mice exposed subcuta before or 15 minutes after a lethal dose of mycotoxin, 139 145 neously or topically with lethal doses of T-2 toxin. Thus, monoclonal anti Several bioregulators might mediate the shock-like bodies do have some prophylactic and therapeutic state of trichothecene mycotoxicosis. Methylthia value against T-2 toxicosis, but very large quantities zolidine-4-carboxylate increased hepatic glutathione are required for protection. The protective conjugating xenobiotics reduced or prevented the effects of this drug may result from increased detoxi acute toxic effects of T-2 toxin in rats, whereas inhibi fication and excretion of the glucuronide conjugate of tion of these enzymes resulted in a higher toxicity. However, their presence tion, estimated to cause more than 60,000 foodborne in the environment is more often silent, detectable intoxications annually. The ity, some marine toxins may cause massive fish kills, long-term environmental and public health effects of 365 Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare chronic exposure in humans are poorly understood, countries maintain monitoring programs at the state although questions are beginning to arise about and local level to ensure consumer safety. When cell numbers increase to levels sug Ingesting seafood contaminated with marine biotox gestive of an imminent bloom, harvesting of shellfish ins can cause six identifiable syndromes: (1) paralytic is officially halted. With the excep ing the period when shellfish are toxic, information is tion of ciguatera fish poisoning, which, as the name made available through the news media and regula implies, is caused by eating contaminated finfish, all tory agencies to discourage recreational harvesting, are caused by ingesting shellfish. Diarrheic shellfish and azaspiracid can proliferate to high cell densities known as blooms. Through these syndromes are unlikely to cause the kind of turmoil intermediates, toxins can be vectored to humans who sought by terrorists. Acquiring sufficient important biological warfare threat agents for many material to launch a food-related bioterrorist attack of reasons. Most are nonproteinaceous and terrorism potential and the causative toxins (Table therefore not amenable to simple cloning and expres 17-1) are described in the following section. Targeting food supplies as an act of biological Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning terrorism is a much more likely scenario. The toxins occur naturally in seafood products in concentrations Description of the Toxin sufficient to cause incapacitation or death. Gonyaulax), Pyrodinium, and Gymnodinium, as well In some cases, harvesting toxic seafood is diffi as several species of freshwater cyanobacteria. In other cases, possibility of a bacterial origin for at least some dino 148 harvesting could be easy. At during bloom conditions or resting cysts from the low doses, these sensations may disappear in a matter of sediment. At higher doses, numbness can late cells may be metabolically altered by the shellfish. The most common symptom in these out although mortality is highly dependent upon the qual breaks was parasthesia, and 73% of patients had at least ity of medical care received. Clinical manifestations Circumoral parasthesias that Symptoms similar to paralytic Vomiting, diarrhea, and ab may rapidly progress to the shellfish poisoning, but usually dominal cramps, which may extremities. Nausea, diarrhea, and be followed by confusion, diplopia, dysarthria, and abdominal pain. Severe intoxications lead to paralysis of extremities parasthesias, ataxia, myalgia, may result in seizures, coma, and respiratory musculature. Intoxication of a 65-year-old female in the Titusville case series is Diagnosis illustrative. Emergency department that are sensory, cerebellar, and motor in nature and evaluation noted mild tachycardia and hypertension. Over the next 4 hours, she developed an ascending Confirmatory diagnosis should rely on analysis of paralysis, carbon dioxide retention, and a decrease in body fluid samples, including serum and urine, as well as vital capacity to less than 20% predicted for her age, analysis of gastric contents or uneaten portions of recent which led to intubation and mechanical ventilation. Because shellfish can contain up to 10 to 20 fluids including serum, urine, bile, and cerebrospinal mg equivalents per 100 grams of meat, ingestion of only fluid; and tissues including the liver, kidneys, lungs, 154,155 a few shellfish can cause serious illness or death. The traditional gold-standard method is respiratory failure and hypertension resolved in 4 to the mouse bioassay, which is an official method of the 10 hours, and toxin was no longer detectable in the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. At poisons in the urine and serum of intoxicated vic 155 sublethal doses, symptoms in animals appear to parallel tims. Intravenous fluids Beachgoers can be especially affected because the un should be used judiciously to maintain urine output armored dinoflagellates are easily broken up by rough and blood pressure. However, in 1993 an out Vasopressor agents should be used to maintain blood break was reported in New Zealand. Toxins are easily isolated from laboratory cul by binding to site 1, binding of brevetoxins to site 5 tures, but production constraints would limit the scope prevents channel inactivation. The more likely threat is through age-dependence of channel activation leads to channel the food supply, with the vector being naturally con opening at lower membrane potentials169 and inap taminated fresh shellfish. Clinical effects are typically more organisms occur annually on both the Atlantic and centrally mediated than peripherally mediated. Toxins neurons by stimulation of glutamate and aspartate can easily reach lethal levels in filter-feeding shellfish. Typical dinoflagellate K brevis (formerly Ptychodiscus brevis or neurological symptoms are oral paresthesia, ataxia, Gymnodinium breve). In more severe cases, tachycar ated discolored water and mass mortalities of inshore dia, seizures, loss of consciousness, and respiratory fish, have been described in the Gulf of Mexico since failure can occur. Symptoms occurred quickly, with a median of 3 369 Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare hours to onset, and lasted up to 72 hours. However, important information has recently been gleaned from a clinical outbreak. Diagnosis In 1996 a father and two small children became ill after ingesting shellfish harvested in Sarasota Bay, Brevetoxin intoxication should be suspected Florida. Both children were hospitalized with severe clinically when patients present with gastrointestinal symptoms, including seizures. Brevetoxin metabolites symptoms and neurological symptoms occurring were detected in urine collected 3 hours postingestion. The amount of toxin ingested provement in 1 to 3 days, but symptoms may be more was not determined, although the father, who had severe in the young, the elderly, or those with under milder symptoms and was released from the hospital lying medical conditions. Toxins in clinical samples can be detected by liquid the toxicity of brevetoxins in mice is well estab chromatography mass spectrometry receptor-binding lished. Because metabolic conversion intravenous or intraperitoneal administration for of parent toxins occurs in shellfish and the metabolites PbTx-2 and PbTx-3, the two most common conge are apparently less active at the sodium channel, it ners. Toxin elimination is largely complete after 72 hours, although Medical Management residues may remain in lipid-rich tissues for extended periods. Respiratory exposure may occur with tion is recent, treatment may include removal of un brevetoxins associated with harmful algal blooms or absorbed material from the gastrointestinal tract or red tides. Although brevetoxin leads to accumulation on the sea surface; the toxins has not been implicated in human fatalities, symptoms are released into the air by the bursting bubbles. During harmful marine aerosols typically resolve upon removal from algal blooms, the on-shore concentration of aerosolized the environment, but may require treatment for reactive toxins varies along beach locations by wind speed and airway disease, including nebulized albuterol and an direction, surf conditions, and exposure locations on ticholinergics to reverse bronchoconstriction. Concentrations of the toxin are highest near release of histamine may be countered with the use of 175 the surf zone. Mast cell stabilizers, such as cromolyn, 370 Additional Toxins of Clinical Concern may be used prophylactically in susceptible persons amounts of domoic acid in shellfish occasionally reach exposed to marine aerosols during red tide events. However, ex ther human cases have been reported, reflecting the periments with an anti-brevetoxin IgG showed that efficacy of monitoring programs. However, the toxicity treatment before exposure blocked nearly all neuro of domoic acid remains evident in biotic events. Additional research into phar In 1991 numerous cormorants and pelicans died macologic agents should be pursued. Two brevetoxin after feeding on anchovies (a filter-feeding fish) dur derivatives that function as brevetoxin antagonists but ing a bloom of P australis in Monterey Bay, California. Later that year, after the binding for the sodium channel include gambierol, bloom moved northward along the coast, razor clams 178,179 gambieric acid, and brevenal. Future research and Dungeness crabs became toxic off the Washington with these agents may assist in developing adequate and Oregon coasts. Although unlikely to cause sea lions died and numerous others became ill after mortality in adults, oral intoxication can be severe and ingesting anchovies feeding in a bloom of P australis, require hospitalization. K brevis is easily cultured and produces tox of the United States may cause significant toxicity in ins well in culture. Thus, small Mechanism of Action scale aerosol attacks are technically feasible, although isolation and dissemination of toxins would be difficult Domoic acid is a neuroexcitatory amino acid struc for nonexperts. As such, it binds to the kainate and alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxa Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning zolepropionic acid subtypes of the glutamate receptor in the central nervous system, which subsequently Description of the Toxin elicits nonsensitizing or very slowly sensitizing cur 184 rents. This effect may be po 100 people became ill with an odd cluster of symptoms, tentiated by synergism with the excitotoxic effects from and three died. Canadian researchers quickly isolated high glutamate and aspartate levels found naturally the causative agent and identified it as domoic acid. Mice injected with domoic acid and researchers were surprised to discover that the develop working memory deficits. Since the 1987 outbreak, toxic species of Pseudo Clinical Signs and Symptoms nitzschia have been found around the world and are now the subject of many regional monitoring pro Ingestion. Although illness related to mussel consumption (107 of these 371 Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare reports met classic case definition). All but seven of the pulmonary tissues leading to systemic symptoms the patients reported gastrointestinal symptoms rang comparable to that of other exposure routes, although ing from mild abdominal discomfort to severe emesis no data are available to confirm this theory. Forty-three percent of patients reported headache, frequently character Diagnosis ized as incapacitating, and 25% reported memory loss, primarily affecting short-term memory. Diagnosis should be suspected by the clinical pre At higher doses, confusion, disorientation, and sentation after ingestion of a seafood meal. Severe intoxications can produce may have mild symptoms that resolve spontaneously seizures, coma, and death. Nineteen of the patients or may present with more severe signs of neurotoxicity, required hospitalization for between 4 and 101 days, including confusion, altered mental status, or seizures. Twelve patients Symptomatic patients typically are over the age of required care in an intensive care unit. The intensive 65 or have underlying medical conditions that affect care patients displayed severe neurological dysfunc renal clearance. Severe neurological altered mental status, including toxicological screens manifestations, more common in the elderly, included to rule out more common intoxicants, especially il confusion, disorientation, altered states of arousal rang licit substances. Other diagnostic tests that may be ing from agitation to somnolence or coma, anterograde used to rule out other clinical causes of the symptoms memory disorder, seizures, and myoclonus. Of the 12 patients that initial learning of verbal and visuospatial material, with were admitted to the intensive care unit during the extremely poor recall. Some of the more severely affect 1987 outbreak, electroencephalograms showed that ed patients also had retrograde amnesia that extended nine had generalized slow-wave activity and two had 189 to several years before ingestion of the contaminated localized epileptogenic activity. The and severe symptoms may follow ingestion of 2 to 4 time from ingestion of the mussels to symptom onset mg/kg. The current regulatory limit for shellfish in ranged from 15 minutes to 38 hours, with a median of Canada, the United States, and the European Union 5. All the patients who developed severe serum, feces, urine, and any uneaten portions of the neurological symptoms were older than 65 or had pre suspected meal. There are no natural cases of domoic acid inhalation, and no experimental models have Treatment for intoxication with domoic acid is evaluated an aerosol exposure to this toxin. For patients who present early after assumed that the toxin would be absorbed through ingesting the meal, gastric lavage or cathartics may 372 Additional Toxins of Clinical Concern decrease toxin amounts absorbed systemically. A There is no specific therapy for domoic acid intoxi key issue with this intoxication is the maintenance cations. Research has revealed that competitive and of renal clearance; hydration or other measures may noncompetitive N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor an also be required. Additionally, severe intoxications tagonists reduce the excitable amino acid cascade that may cause alterations in hemodynamic functions, leads to brain lesions. Toxic shellfish be monitored for seizure activity that may require are available, and ingestion elicits symptoms that can anticonvulsants. It worldwide is caused by another protein toxin, C per is regarded as one of the most toxic bacteria known, fringens enterotoxin, which is naturally synthesized 196 with 17 different protein toxins described to date. Type (eg, Listeria, Rickettsia, Salmonella, Shigella, and Yersinia A strains are most prevalent in the environment and species), C perfringens pathogenesis is not generally most commonly linked with human disease. C per thought to involve invasion of, and replication in, fringens (namely type A) has historically had a huge eukaryotic cells.

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