
Eve Van Cauter, PhD

  • Department of Medicine, University of Chicago,
  • Chicago, IL, USA

Because eating is a basic biological function required to sustain life arteria plantaris medialis purchase plendil 2.5mg on line, disruption of eating has profound efects 120 120 eating DisorDers on biological systems throughout the body arteria mesenterica purchase plendil 10mg with mastercard. This fact explains the ambiguity associated with interpreting results from studies that attempt to reveal the biological bases of eating disor ders by examining individuals currently sufering from these disorders blood pressure 60 over 40 purchase 2.5mg plendil with mastercard. Brain Function and Eating Disorders Appetite and Weight Regulation The hypothalamus (Figure 8 arrhythmia stress purchase generic plendil line. It can be divided into diferent sections named for their locations in relation to each other (Figures 8 blood pressure lab order 5 mg plendil amex. Surgically damaging the ventromedial hypothalamus in animals produces increased food intake and signifcant obesity (Hetherington & Ranson blood pressure normal low high purchase discount plendil on-line, 1942). In contrast, surgically damaging the lateral hypothalamus produces dramatic de creases in food intake and weight loss (Anand & Brobeck, 1951; Teitelbaum & Stellar, 1954). Electrical stimulation of these brain regions produces the opposite efects (Kandel, Schwartz, & Jessell, 1991). These results suggest that the ventromedial hypothalamus is responsible for inhibiting appetite and food intake and that the lateral hypothalamus is responsible for increasing appetite and food intake. In healthy individuals these areas appear to work together to maintain a balance in weight and appetite. They are thought to be important in understanding satiety function as it may relate to eating pathology. In addition to regulating eating, the hypothalamus regulates body functions such as sexual activity, circadian rhythm, thermal regulation, and fuid balance. Medial view showing the relationship of the hypothalamus to the pituitary and thalamus. Neurotransmitters and Eating Disorders Neurotransmitters are chemicals that facilitate communication between brain cells (neu rons). Food intake is associated with release of these three neurotransmitters in the hypothalamus (Fetissov, Meguid, Chen, & Miyata, 2000). Activity of dopamine and norepinephrine in the hypothalamus inhibits function (Fetissov et al. Specifcally, activity of dopamine and norepinephrine in the lateral hypothala mus decreases food intake, whereas dopamine and norepinephrine activity in the medial hypothalamus increases food intake. Diminished serotonin function is as sociated with dysphoria, increased appetite, and decreased impulse control. Dieting was thought to contribute to carbohydrate craving, because many weight loss diets of the 1970s emphasized restricted carbohydrate intake. Serotonin is not found in food, and it cannot cross from the blood into the brain. T us binge eating episodes that typically consisted of high-carbohydrate foods. For neurotransmitters to infuence brain activity, they must be transmitted by one neuron and received by another at the junction between neurons, referred to as a synapse. The number and sensitivity of receptors for a neurotransmitter infuence how well it works in the brain. For example, downregulation of opioid receptors in response to heroin use (which causes tolerance to the drug) can occur over hours or days; by contrast, upregulation of opioid receptors to previous levels of function can take more than three weeks. Other similarities between processes that contribute to addiction and eating disorders are reviewed below in the section on the neural circuitry of reward. For example, if you wanted to measure how many candy bars a person ate without 124 124 eating DisorDers directly observing the person, you could count the number of candy wrappers in the trash. It also would be naive to expect the function of a single neurotransmitter to explain any complex mental disorder. Moreover, neurotransmitter function within the brain relies on signals regarding energy state that the brain receives from the body. Neuropeptides and Eating Disorders Neuropeptides function similarly to neurotransmitters but are larger. In contrast, neuropeptide Y and ghrelin increase appetite by stimulating the lateral hypothalamus. Receptors for leptin have been found in the arcuate nucleus and para ventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (see Figures 8. T us the more fat there is in the body, the more leptin is circulating in the blood. Higher levels of leptin decrease sensitiv ity to signals that normally lead to increased food intake, while lower levels of leptin increase sensitivity to these signals. Mice with a mutated ob gene (known as ob/ ob mice) are obese, weighing three times more than normal mice and having fve times the amount of body fat. One subtype of obesity in humans is caused by mutation of the human form of the ob gene and has been successfully treated by leptin injections. If so, this phenom enon could contribute to their ability to maintain below-normal weights. T us, lower leptin contrib utes to higher neuropeptide Y, which helps to increase food intake in response to weight loss. This fnding shows that patients with eating disorders not only may have alterations in fasting levels of neuro peptides that infuence hunger and satiation but also may have altered responses to food intake that could further contribute to disrupted eating behavior. Importantly, body weight does not change dramatically throughout the day, implying that changes in leptin do not directly infuence initiation or cessation of food intake in a given meal or binge episode. To understand dynamic infuences on food consumption during eating episodes, it is impor tant to consider the role of meal-related signals. The following sections review neuropeptides that are released by the gut depending on food intake and that are directly implicated in the initiation and cessation of eating. Cholecystokinin Cholecystokinin is released in the small intestine following food ingestion (Gibbs, Young, & Smith, 1972). However, it binds to receptors on the vagus nerve in the stomach (Gibbs & Smith, 1977; Robinson, McHugh, Moran, & Stephenson, 1988). The vagus is a cranial nerve that sends signals di rectly to the brain, and stimulating the vagus nerve stimulates neurons projecting from the brainstem to various parts of the brain, including the ventromedial hypothalamus (Kandel, Schwartz, & Jessell, 1991). Postmeal release of cholecystokinin should therefore trigger brain mechanisms inhibiting appetite and food intake. In addition, cholecystokinin causes contraction of the pyloric sphincter, a muscle that controls the rate at which food 127 BiologiCal faCtors anD ConsequenCes 127 passes from the stomach to the small intestine (Moran, Robinson, & McHugh, 1985). Cholecystokinin enhances this pro cess by slowing the rate at which food can pass from the stomach into the small intestine. Consistent with these mechanisms, administration of cholecystokinin has been shown to trigger satiation in animals (Antin, Gibbs, Holt, Young, & Smith, 1975; Gibbs, Young, & Smith, 1973) and humans (Kissilef, Pi-Sunyer, T ornton, & Smith, 1981; Greenough, Cole, Lewis, Lockton, & Blundell, 1998) and to produce ratings of increased fullness in humans (Stacher, Bauer, & Steinringer, 1979; Greenough et al. Ghrelin, which is released from the stom ach, exhibits diurnal variation, with the highest levels observed in the morning when the body is in a fasting state. Ghrelin levels decrease dramatically with food intake and then rise slowly during the periods leading up to subsequent meals during the day. Ghrelin triggers food intake in animals and humans and is linked to subjective reports of hunger in humans. Based on its time course and its efects in experimental studies in animals, ghrelin is consid ered a hunger hormone that stimulates eating. Glucagon-like peptide 1 shows a pattern of release and function very similar to that of cholecystokinin and likewise triggers stimulation of the vagus nerve to stimulate sati ety centers of the brain. Levels of cholecystokinin and glucagon-like peptide 1 peak within 30 minutes afer the end of a meal. Cholecystokinin and glucagon-like peptide 1 are con sidered short-term satiation peptides that help signal when an eating episode should stop. The disrupted circadian rhythm in night eating syndrome is associated with disruptions in circadian release of ghrelin (K. However, doing so creates a particu larly high threshold for identifying alterations uniquely associated with binge eating, given that much of the research on neuropeptides has indicated considerable overlap between fac tors that regulate eating behavior and weight. Neural Circuitry of Reward As noted at the beginning of this chapter, people eat for reasons beyond physical need. Because food is so central to our survival, we are born with the hardwired capacity to orient toward and obtain food and to learn associations between the behaviors that lead to food and external cues. Just as there are brain regions that regulate energy balance and respond to internal signals by signaling when we need to eat more food, there are brain regions centrally involved in helping us learn cues that signal rewards (including food). T us researchers have posited that individual diferences in this neural circuitry may contribute to risk for eating disorders. The release of dopamine from the ventral tegmental area to the nucleus accumbens of the brain is centrally involved in the experience of reward as well as in learning cues that signal the availability of a reward. These regions have receptors for both leptin and glucagon like peptide 1, and both peptides reduce the activity of this dopaminergic reward pathway. In addition to this basic pathway, which is present across many species, circuits in or con nected to regions involved with emotional salience (the amygdala), detecting confict (the anterior cingulate cortex), integrating bodily senses with emotional experience (the insular cortex), and decision-making (prefrontal cortex) have been posited to be involved in risk for developing eating disorders. In contrast, controls reported a preference for normal-weight bodies and showed the greatest ventral striatum activation while viewing normal-weigh bodies. Periodically, the cue for the milkshake was followed by a sip of the tasteless solution and the cue for the tasteless solution was followed by a sip of milkshake. These conditions were designed to distin guish between anticipation of receipt of the milkshake versus actual receipt of the milk shake. The above experiments represent a small selection of studies examining reward pro cessing in eating disorders, which is an emerging focus of research in this feld. Summary of Brain Function and Eating Disorders The hypothalamus is responsible for the regulation of food intake and weight. The lat eral hypothalamus is associated with increasing eating and weight, and the paraventric ular and ventromedial hypothalamus are associated with decreased eating and weight. However, these basic functions can be activated or inhibited depending on what neuro chemical is active in a given area. Given these complex associations, it is not surprising that numerous inconsistent results have been found concerning neurochemical corre lates of eating disorders. Further, given that many of the observed neurochemical difer ences between individuals with eating disorders and healthy individuals disappear afer recovery, results from studies of neurophysiological function in eating disorder patients may represent consequences of the illnesses more than causes. Studies of reward circuitry in the feld of eating disorders remain in their infancy but suggest that the overt attitudes and behaviors expressed by individuals with eating disorders are associated with patterns of activation in their brains that difer from those of healthy controls. However, as with physiological studies of eating disorders, it can be difcult to disentangle cause from efect. The limitations of cross-sectional comparisons for inferring causation are not a prob lem in genetic studies of eating disorders. While an eating disorder may cause reductions in leptin, it cannot cause someone to be a certain kind of twin nor can it cause someone to carry a specifc variant of a gene. Guided by fndings regarding physiological abnormalities in eating disorders, the following section explores whether these abnormalities may have genetic bases that could contribute to the development of eating disorders. However, families share genes as well as environments, and eating disorders run in families (as described briefy in Chapter 6). In studies of the heredity of eating disorders, the individual afected with the disorder is referred to as the proband. Biological relatives of eating disorder probands are 5 to 12 times more likely to have an eating disorder than are individuals in the general population or relatives of individuals without eating disorders (Lilenfeld et al. Twin and adoption studies have been conducted to diferentiate the infuence of genes from that of environment in the development of eating disorders. See Chapter 4 for a full discussion of the basic design and logic of these studies. Behavioral Genetic Studies Results of population-based twin studies in Virginia, Minnesota, Australia, and Denmark indicate that genes play an important role in the development of eating disorders. These results suggest that there is overlap in the genetic risk for these disorders and provide one potential explanation for diagnostic crossover (discussed in Chapter 11). Questions have been raised about whether fndings from twin studies can be taken at face value. If this is true, then twins would not be representative of the general population (a violation of the representativeness assumption), and fndings from twin studies would not accurately refect how eating disorders develop in nontwins. However, studies using large, population-based twin samples have found that twins and nontwins were at equal risk for several types of psychopathology, including eating disor ders, and have reported no diferences in clinical presentation between twins and nontwins (Kendler, Martin, Heath, & Eaves, 1995; Klump, Kaye, & Strober, 2001). However, Klump, Holly, Iacono, McGue, and Willson (2000) found that neither general physical similarity nor similarity of body size or shape was signifcantly associated with similarity in eating attitudes and behaviors between twins. As described in Chapter 4, to the extent that family environment is important in shap ing risk for eating pathology, siblings should be more similar to each other than expected by chance, regardless of whether they are related biologically or by adoption. To the extent that genetic makeup is important in shaping risk for eating pathology, similarity will be greater for biological siblings than for adoptive siblings. Results from the only adoption study on eating disorders conducted so far ofer further support for the greater infuence of genetics than of shared family environment on eating disorders. Klump, Suisman, Burt, McGue, and Iacono (2009) studied similarity of disordered eating levels in 152 pairs of sisters, of whom 51 pairs were biological siblings and 101 were adoptive siblings. One concern for adoption studies is that being adopted might be a stressor that would increase risk for psychopathol ogy. However, Klump and colleagues found that overall levels of disordered eating did not difer between biological and adopted children. Consistent with a signifcant efect of genes on eating disorder risk, disordered eating levels were signifcantly and positively correlated between biological sisters. In contrast, adoptive sisters were no more similar to each other with respect to disordered eating than they would be to a random woman.

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Important Hormonal contraception may cause irregular bleeding and mood adverse effects changes. They also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke, but this is probably relevant only in women with other risk factors. In both cases the effect is small, and for breast cancer, it gradually resolves after stopping the pill. Warnings All forms of oestrogens and progestogens are contraindicated in patients with breast cancer. A preparation containing ethinylestradiol 30 or 35 micrograms is appropriate for most women. Often, where combined hormonal contraception is inappropriate, a progesterone-only pill may be suitable. If it is beyond day 6, a barrier method should be used or sex avoided for the frst 7 days. Most combined pills are designed to be taken for 21 days followed by a 7-day pill-free interval, during which a withdrawal bleed occurs. Communication Hormonal contraception should be offered only after a discussion of the risks and benefts of the various contraceptive methods available. Explain the with rules for missed pills and provide written information to support this. It eliminates or reduces withdrawal bleeding, which some women may consider desirable. They are metabolised by cytochrome P450 enzymes to morphine and morphine-related metabolites. Combining two analgesics with different mechanisms of action may offer better pain control than can be achieved with either drug alone. Putting them together in a fxed-ratio compound product improves convenience for the patient, although at a cost of reduced fexibility in terms of dose titration. Important When taken at recommended doses, adverse effects from paracetamol adverse effects are rare. Common side effects of codeine and dihydrocodeine include nausea, constipation and drowsiness. In overdose the effects of both paracetamol (principally hepatotoxocity) and opioid toxicity (neurological and respiratory depression) may be evident. Warnings Caution must be exercised when prescribing an opioid in the context of signifcant respiratory disease. Codeine and dihydrocodeine rely on both the liver and the kidneys for their elimination. It is specifed in the form with co-codamol 8/500 or with co-dydramol 10/500, where the frst number indicates the amount of opioid contained in each tablet (8 mg of codeine and 10 mg of dihydrocodeine in these examples, respectively). This is effectively the same as adding codeine 30 mg 6-hrly to the existing paracetamol regimen, but with fewer pills (see Clinical tip). Whenever you prescribe an opioid for regular administration, you should consider prescribing a laxative. Communication Explain that you are offering a painkiller that is like a weaker version of morphine. Discuss common side effects and, if appropriate, offer a laxative to prevent constipation. Advise patients not to take other medications that also contain paracetamol to avoid accidental overdose. Monitoring Effcacy of analgesics in pain control can be established by enquiry about symptoms or by using a pain score. Cost Compound analgesics are available as inexpensive non-proprietary preparations. For patients who pay for prescriptions it may be cheaper to buy them over the counter. However, it is often preferable to use the drugs as separate products, at least initially. Having found the optimum balance between effcacy and side effects, it may then be appropriate to switch to the equivalent compound preparation. Activation of these G protein-coupled receptors has several effects that, overall, reduce neuronal excitability and pain transmission. In the medulla, they blunt the response to hypoxia and hypercapnoea, reducing respiratory drive and breathlessness. By relieving pain, breathlessness and associated anxiety, opioids reduce sympathetic nervous system (fght or fight) activity. Thus, in myocardial infarction and acute pulmonary oedema they may reduce cardiac work and oxygen demand, as well as relieving symptoms. That said, although commonly used, the effcacy and safety of morphine in acute pulmonary oedema is not frmly established. They adverse effects may cause euphoria and detachment, and in higher doses,neurological depression. They can activate the chemoreceptor trigger zone, causing nausea and vomiting,although this tends to settle with continued use. In the skin, opioids may cause histamine release, leading toitching,urticaria, vasodilatation and sweating. Continued use can lead totolerance(a state in which the dose required to produce the same effect increases over time) anddependence. Dependence becomes apparent on cessation of the opioid, when awithdrawal reactionoccurs (seeClinical tip). Warnings Most opioids rely on the liver and the kidneys for elimination, so doses should be reduced in hepatic failure and renal impairment and in the elderly. Avoid opioids in biliary colic, as they may cause spasm of the sphincter of Oddi, which may worsen pain. Then, having found the optimum dose, this is converted to a modifed-release form. Prescribe immediate-release morphine at a dose of about one-sixth of the total daily regular dose. Communication Patients may be reluctant to accept morphine, due to the stigma associated with abuse and dependence. Explain that it is a highly effective painkiller and that with addiction is not an issue when it is used for pain control. That said, you should warn patients that the dose may need to be increased over time as they become tolerant to its effects; this is normal and should not cause alarm. Advise patients not to drive or operate heavy machinery if they feel drowsy or confused. Monitoring For acute pain, review your patients response to analgesia within an hour, as well as for adverse effects such as respiratory depression. For chronic pain, schedule a review after a couple of weeks to assess the need to step up or down the analgesic ladder and/or specialist referral. Opioid dependence is less problematic when they are taken therapeutically rather than recreationally; do not let this concern deter you from offering opioids for severe or chronic pain, especially in end-of-life care. Mechanisms of In unmodifed form, codeine and dihydrocodeine are very weak opioids. About 10% of Caucasians have a less active form of the key metabolising enzyme (called cytochrome P450 2D6), and these people may fnd codeine and dihydrocodine largely ineffective. Tramadol is a synthetic analogue of codeine; it is perhaps best classifed as a with moderate strength opioid. Unlike other opioids, tramadol also affects serotonergic and adrenergic pathways, where it is thought to act as a serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor. Important Common side effects of weak opioids include nausea, constipation, adverse effects dizziness and drowsiness. All opioids can cause neurological and respiratory depression when taken in overdose. Tramadol may cause less constipation and respiratory depression than other opioids. Codeine and dihydrocodeine must never be given intravenously, as this can cause a severe reaction similar to anaphylaxis. Tramadol, codeine and dihydrocodeine rely on both the liver and the kidneys for their elimination. Doses should therefore be reduced in renal impairment and hepatic impairment, and also in the elderly. Tramadol lowers the seizure threshold so is best avoided in patients with epilepsy, and certainly should not be used in those with uncontrolled epilepsy. Tramadol should not be used with other drugs that lower the seizure threshold, such as serotonin-selective reuptake inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants. Regular prescription is usually preferable to as-required prescription to avoid the need for with catch-up analgesia. A common starting prescription might be for codeine or dihydrocodeine 30 mg orally 4-hrly, or tramadol 50 mg orally 4-hrly. Whenever you prescribe an opioid for regular administration you should consider prescribing a laxative. Discuss common side effects, and if appropriate, offer a laxative to prevent constipation. Advise patients to avoid driving or operating heavy machinery if they become drowsy or confused while taking the new painkiller. Avoid using expensive branded products, such as modifed-release tramadol, unless there is a clear reason to do so. This may cause a red patch to form at the injection site (which, for reasons of accessibility, is usually the lateral aspect of the thigh). Patients and clinical staff may notice this and wonder what it is and whether it has any signifcance. It is mediated by histamine release and, provided it is not progressive, is no cause for alarm. Its effect is to reduce the delivery of oxygen to tissues (hypoxia), forcing them to use anaerobic metabolism for energy generation. The resultant increase in PaO2 increases delivery of oxygen to the tissues, which in effect with buys time while the underlying disease is corrected. In pneumothorax, supplemental oxygen therapy has an additional beneft of reducing the fraction of nitrogen in alveolar gas. Since pleural air is composed mostly of nitrogen, this increases its rate of reabsorption. Important the most common adverse effects of oxygen are related to the delivery adverse effects device. Except in pneumothorax and carbon monoxide poisoning, there is little to be gained from an abnormally high PaO2 and, indeed, there is some evidence that this may be harmful. However, this concern should not lead you to withhold oxygen in critical illness or states of severe hypoxaemia, in which oxygen may be life-saving. If exposed to high inspired oxygen concentrations, this fnely balanced adaptive state may be disturbed, resulting in a rise in the blood carbon dioxide concentration.

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Gonorrhoea, 1 g as a single dose; Child over 3 months, 125 mg twice daily, if necessary doubled in child over 2 years with otitis media. Cephalosporin third generation Cefixime Tablet, 200mg, 400mg Indications: treatment of urinary tract infections, otitis media, respiratory infections due to susceptible organisms; uncomplicated cervical/urethral gonorrhea due to N. Side effects: diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, dyspepsia, flatulence, loose stools, acute renal failure, anaphylactic reactions, angioedema, dizziness, drug fever, headache, rash, seizure, Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Dose and Administration: Oral: Adult and Child > 50kg or >12 years: 400mg/day divided every 12-24 hours. Active against most gram-negative bacilli, gram-positive cocci and many penicillin-resistant pneumococci. Cautions: severe renal impairment, patients with colitis, a history of penicillin allergy. Side effects: rash, pruritus, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, colitis, pain at injection site, anaphylaxis, arrhythmia, candidiasis, fever, headache, interstitial nephritis, neutropenia, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, thrombocytopenia, urticaria, vaginitis, agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia, cholestasis, hemolytic anemia, hemorrhage, renal dysfunction, seizure, superinfection, toxic nephropathy. Cefpodoxime Tablet, 100mg Indications: treatment of susceptible acute, community acquired pneumonia caused by S. Cautions: renal impairment, prolonged use may result in superinfection, use with caution in patients with a history of penicillin allergy especially IgE mediated reactions (eg anaphylaxis, urticaria) Drug interactions: probenecid, furosemide, aminoglycosides, antacids and H2 receptor antagonists. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to cephalosporins Side effects: diaper rash, diarrhea in infants, headache, rash, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting. Dose and Administration: Oral: Adult and Child 12 years: Acute community-acquired pneumonia and bacterial exacerbations of chronic bronchitis: 200 mg every 12 hours for 14 days and 10 days, respectively Acute maxillary sinusitis: 200mg every 12 hours for 10 days Skin and skin structure: 400mg every 12 hours for 7-14 days Uncomplicated gonorrhea (male and female) and rectal gonococcal infections (female): 200mg as a single dose Pharyngitis/tonsillitis: 100mg every 12 hours for 5-10 days Uncomplicated urinary tract infection: 100mg every 12 hours for 7 days Child 2 months to 12 years: Acute otitis media: 10mg/kg/day divided every 12 hours (400mg/day) for 5 days (maximum: 200mg/dose) Acute maxillary sinusitis: 10mg/kg/day divided every 12 hours for 10days (maximum: 200mg/dose) Pharyngitis/tonsillitis: 10mg/kg/day in 2 divided doses for 5-10 days (maximum: 100mg/dose) 7. Side effects: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, headache, rarely, antibiotic associated colitis (particularly with higher doses); allergic reactions including rashes, pruritus, urticaria, serum sickness like reaction, fever and arthralgia, and anaphylaxis, erythema multiforme, toxic epidermal necrolysis reported; disturbances in liver enzymes, transient hepatitis, cholestatic jaundice eosinophilia and blood disorders (including thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis, aplastic anaemia, and haemolytic anaemia); reversible interstitial nephritis, nervousness, sleep disturbances, confusion, hypertonia, and dizziness. After thawing, solutions retain their potency for 24 hours at room temperature or for 7 days if refrigerated. Cautions: penicillin sensitivity; renal and hepatic impairment; premature neonates, may displace bilirubin from serum albumin; pregnancy and breast feeding; false positive urinary glucose and false positive coombs test. Contraindications: cephalosporin hypersensitivity, porphyria, neonates with jaundice, hypoalbuminaemia, acidosis or impaired bilirubin binding. Side effects: diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, abdominal discomfort, headache, antibiotic-associated colitis, allergic reactions including rashes, pruritus, urticaria, serum sickness like reactions, fever and arthralgia, and anaphylaxis, erythema multiforme, toxic epidermal necrolysis, disturbances in liver enzymes, transient hepatitis and cholestatic jaundice, eosinophilia and blood disorders, reversible interstitial nephritis, hyperactivity, nervousness, sleep disturbances, confusion, hypertonia and dizziness, calcium ceftriaxone precipitates in urine or in gall bladder consider discontinuation if symptomatic, rarely prolongation of prothrombin time, pancreatitis. Premixed o solution store at -20 C; once thawed, solutions are stable for 3 days at o o room temperature of 25 C or for 21 days refrigerated at 5 C. Macrolides the macrolides are bacteriostatic or bactericidal, depending on the concentration and type of micro-organism, and are thought to interfere with bacterial protein synthesis. Their antimicrobial property is similar to benzylpenicillin but they are also active against such organisms as Legionella pneumophila, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and some rickettsias, chlamydias, and chlamydophilas. Macrolides and related drugs have a postantibiotic effect: that is, antibacterial activity persists after concentrations have dropped below the minimum inhibitory concentration. Drug interactions: pimozide, phenytoin, ergot alkaloids, alfentanil bromocriptine, carbamazepine, cyclosporine, digoxin, disopyramide, triazolam; nelfinavir, aluminium and magnesium containing antacids. Side effects: diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, cramping, vomiting, acute renal failure, allergic reaction, aggressive behaviour, anaphylaxis, angioedema, arrhythmia, cholestatic jaundice, deafness, enteritis, erythema multiforme, headache, hearing loss, hepatic necrosis. Otitis media: 1 day regimen: 30 mg/kg as a single dose 3-day regimen: 10 mg/kg once daily for 3 days. It is the drug of choice for Mycobacterium avium infections, in combination with ethambutol. Drug interactions: cisapride, pimozide, sparfloxacin, thioridazine, benzodiazepines, calcium channel blockers, cyclosporine, quinidine, sildenafil, midazolam, triazolam, cisapride, ergot alkaloids, neuromuscular blocking agents and warfarin, amprenavir, azole antifungals, ciprofloxacin, diclofenac, doxcycline, erythromycin, isoniazid, nefazodone, propofol. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to clarithromycin, or any macrolide antibiotics; use with ergot derivatives, pimozide, cisapride. Anti-Infective Erythromycin Tablet (stearate), 250mg, 500mg Capsule, 250mg Oral suspension, 125mg/5ml, 200mg/5ml, 250mg/5ml Injection, 50mg/ml in 2ml ampoule Indications: for treatment of conjunctivitis in newborns, genitourinary tract infection during pregnancy, pneumonia in infants, prophylaxis of bacterial endocarditis, gonorrhea, legionnaires disease, pharyngitis, sinusitis and for long term prophylaxis of rheumatic fever, syphilis. Drug interactions: alfentanil, carbamazepine, chloramphenicol, itraconazole, cyclosporins, terfenadin, warfarin, xanthines such as aminophylline, caffeine, oxtriphylline, and theophylline. Dose and Administration: Adult: Antibacterial (systemic): Oral: 250mg (base) every 6 hours, or 500mg every 12 hours if twice a day dosage is required. Endocarditis (prophylaxis): In patients with heart disease or rheumatic or other acquired valvular heart disease who undergo dental procedures or surgical procedure of the upper respiratory tract, Oral, 1gm (base) one hour prior to the procedure, and 500mg 6 hours following the procedure. Genitourinary tract infection, including chlamydial: Oral: 500mg (base) every six hours for at least seven days. For patients unable to tolerate the higher dosage regimen, the dosage may be halved and given for at least fourteen days. Streptococcal (prophylaxis) continuous prophylaxis of streptococcal infections in patients with a history of rheumatic heart disease: Oral: 250mg (base) every twelve hours. Endocarditis prophylaxis: in patients with heart disease are rheumatic or other acquired valvular heart disease who undergo dental procedures or surgical procedures of the upper 7. Anti-Infective 205 respiratory tract: Oral: 20mg (base) per kg of body weight one hour prior to the procedure, and 10mg per kg of body weight six hours following the procedure. Note: For oral dosage continue medicine for full time of treatment Storage: at room temperature in tight container. Aminoglycosides the aminoglycosides, such as amikacin, gentamicin, neomycin and tobramycin have a similar antimicrobial spectrum and appear to act by interfering with bacterial protein synthesis, possibly by binding irreversibly to the 30S and to some extent the 50S portions of the bacterial ribosome. Aminoglycosides show enhanced activity with penicillins against some enterococci and streptococci. Indications: treatment of serious infections due to organisms resistant to gentamicin and tobramycin. Cautions: renal impairment, drug should be discontinued if signs of ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity. Side effects: neurotoxicity, ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity, allergic reaction, dyspnea, eosinophilia. If trough level >5mg/L, increase dosage interval to 36-48 hours and measure after 2 further doses given. Gentamicin Injection, 40mg/ml; 80mg/ 2ml Indications: biliary tract infection, bone and joint infection, meningitis, ventriculitis, urinary tract infection, peritonitis, bacterial septicemia. Anti-Infective Cautions: pregnancy and breast-feeding, in premature infants and neonates, elderly, patients with renal function impairment or dehydration, and in those with eighth-cranial nerve impairment. Drug interactions: avoid concurrent and /or sequential use of two or more aminoglycosides or aminoglycosides with capreomycin, antimysthenic, methoxyflurane or polymyxin, cephalosporins, ciclosporin, cisplatin, neostigmine, pyridostigmine, suxamethonium, vecuronium, furosemide, penicillines and indomethacin. Contraindications: pregnancy, myasthenia gravis, previous allergic reaction to one aminoglycoside. Usual adult prescribing limit up to 8mg (base) per kg of body weight daily in severe, life threatening infections. Coli; adjunct in the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy; bladder irrigation, ocular infections. Cautions: renal impairment, pre-existing hearing impairment, neuromuscular disorders. Anti-Infective 207 Side effects: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, irritation or soreness of the mouth or rectal area, dyspnea, eosinophilia, nephrotoxicity, neurotoxicity, ototoxicity. Hepatic encephalopathy: Adult: 500-2000mg every 6-8 hours or 4-12g/day divided every 4-6 hours for 5 6 days. Tobramycin Injection, 40 mg/ml in 1 and 2 ml ampoules Indications: treatment of documented or suspected infections caused by susceptible gram-negative bacilli including Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Cautions: renal impairment, pre-existing auditory or vestibular impairment, patients with neuromuscular disorders. Drug interactions: penicillins, neuromuscular blockers, amphotericin B, cephalosporins, and loop diuretics. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to tobramycin and other aminoglycosides, pregnancy. High dose: some clinicians suggest a daily dose of 4 7 mg/kg for all patients with normal renal function. Uses for ciprofloxacin include infections of the respiratory tract (but not for Pneumococcal pneumonia) and of the urinary tract, and of the gastro-intestinal system (including typhoid fever), and gonorrhoea and septicaemia caused by sensitive organisms. It has been reported to be more active in vitro than ciprofloxacin against some organisms, including staphylococci and mycobacteria, and has a much longer plasma half-life. Ciprofloxacin causes arthropathy in the weight-bearing joints of immature animals and is therefore generally not recommended in children and growing adolescents. However, the significance of this effect in humans is uncertain and in some specific circumstances short-term use of ciprofloxacin in children may be justified. Side effects: nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, abdominal pain, diarrhoea (rarely antibiotic-associated colitis), headache, dizziness, weakness, sleep disorders, rash (rarely erythema multiforme (Stevens-Johnson syndrome) and toxic epidermal necrolysis), and pruritus; less frequently anorexia, increase in blood urea and creatinine; metabolic acidosis; drowsiness, restlessness, asthenia, depression, confusion, hallucinations, convulsions, paraesthesia, raised intracranial pressure, cranial nerve palsy; photosensitivity, hypersensitivity reactions including fever, urticaria, angioedema, arthralgia, myalgia, and anaphylaxis; blood disorders (including eosinophilia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia); disturbances in vision, taste, hearing and smell; also isolated reports of tendon inflammation and damage (especially in the elderly and in those taking corticosteroids); haemolytic anaemia, renal failure, interstitial nephritis, and hepatic dysfunction (including hepatitis and cholestatic jaundice); if psychiatric, neurological or hypersensitivity reactions (including severe rash) occur discontinue. Acute uncomplicated cystitis: 100 mg twice daily for 3 days Chronic prostatitis: 500 mg twice daily for 28 days. Levofloxacin Tablet, 250mg, 500mg Indications: treatment of mild, moderate, or severe infections caused by susceptible organisms. Includes the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia, including multidrug resistant strains of S. Side effects: dizziness, fever, headache, insomnia, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, decreased vision, pharyngitis, dyspnea. Anti-Infective 211 Uncomplicated: 250mg once daily for 3 days Complicated, including acute pyelonephritis: 250mg every 24 hours for 10 days Storage: store at room temperature. Cautions: see notes above: avoid in porphyria; liver disease; renal impairment; false positive urinary glucose (if tested for reducing substances); monitor blood counts, renal and liver function if treatment exceeds 2 weeks. Drug interactions: see notes above Side effects: see notes above; also reported toxic psychosis, weakness, increased intracranial pressure, cranial nerve palsy, and metabolic acidosis. Dose and Administration: Urinary tract infections: Oral: Adult: 1g every 6 hours for 7 days, reduced in chronic infections to 500 mg every 6 hours; Child over 3 months: maximum 50 mg/kg daily in divided doses, reduced in prolonged treatment to 30 mg/Kg daily. Norfloxacin Table, 400 mg Indications: uncomplicated urinary tract infections and cystitis caused by susceptible gram-negative and gram-postive bacteria; sexually transmitted disease (eg, uncomplicated urethral and cervical gonorrhea) caused by N. Side effects: see notes above, also reported euphoria, anxiety, tinnitus, polyneuropathy, exfoliative dermatitis, pancreatitis, and vasculitis. Anti-Infective Ofloxacin Tablet, 200 mg, 400 mg Injection, 200 mg/100ml Indications: quinolone antibiotic for the treatment of acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, community-acquired pneumonia, skin and skin structure infections (uncomplicated), urethral and cervical gonorrhea (acute, uncomplicated), urethritis and cervicitis (nongonococcal), mixed infections of the urethra and cervix, pelvic inflammatory disease (acute), cystitis (uncomplicated), urinary tract infections (complicated), prostatitis. Dose and Administration: Adult: Chronic bronchitis (acute exacerbation), community-acquired pneumonia, skin and skin structure infections (uncomplicated): 400 mg every 12 hours for 10 days Urethral and Cervical gonorrhea (acute, uncomplicated): 400 mg as a single dose Cervicitis/Urethritis (nongonococcal) due to C. Sparfloxacin Tablet, 100 mg, 200 mg Indications: bacterial exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, community acquired pneumonia. Contraindications: in patients with history of photosensitivity, not recommended for patients with ongoing proarrhythmic conditions; patients younger than 18 years of age, breast-feeding. Dose and Administrations: Oral: Adult: 400 mg on the first day, then 200 mg every twenty four hours for a total of ten days of therapy. Anti-Infective 213 Note: the recommended dose for patients with renal function impairment (creatinine clearance less than 40 ml per minute) is 400 mg on the first day, then 200 mg every forty-eight hours for a total of nine days of therapy.

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Shelivedanother12weeksinthissetting,with large hemorrhage extended forward to destroy the out regaining function, and rarely was observed to central medulla all the way to the pontine junction sleep. Microscopic study demonstrated However, the injection of ethanol had apparently that, at its most cranial end, the hemorrhage de entered the C2 root sleeve and xed the lower stroyed the caudal part of the right vestibular nuclei brainstem up through the facial and abducens nu and most of the adjacent lower pontine tegmen clei without clouding the state of consciousness of tum on the right. The margins of this lesion contained an used to differentiate these different causes of loss organizing clot with phagocytosis and reticulum of consciousness. Neuropsychiatric considered unlikely that the lesion had changed ndings in anti-Ma2-positive paraneoplastic limbic substantially in size or extent of destruction in the encephalitis. The toxic effects of carbon di oxide and acetazolamide in hepatic encephalopathy. Cerebral blood ow and metabolism in the Wernicke-Korsakoff A 65-year-old woman was admitted to the neuro syndrome. She had rheumatoid arthritis with subluxa scan and cognitive ndings in subclinical hepatic Pathophysiology of Signs and Symptoms of Coma 35 encephalopathy. Hallucina ductionin reticularactivatingsystem,withspecialref tions and delusions following a right temporoparieto erence to the diencephalon. Sleep abnormalities in pa following inactivation of the lower brainstem by selec tients with brain stem lesions. Regularly occurring periods Physicians and endorsed by the Conference of Med of eye motility, and concomitant phenomena, during ical Royal Colleges and their Faculties in the United sleep. Ueber das electroenkephalogramm des dopaminergic neurons in the ventral periaqueductal menschen. Orexins and raphe cells across the sleep-waking cycle and during orexin receptors: a family of hypothalamic neuropep cataplexy in narcoleptic dogs. The hypo amines on neurons of the rat visual cortex: single-cell cretins: hypothalamus-speci c peptides with neuro iontophoretic studies. Narcolepsy tophoretically appliedmonoamines onsomatosensory in orexin knockout mice: molecular genetics of sleep corticalneuronsofunanesthetizedrats. Diffuse cortical projection systems: anato case of early onset narcolepsy and a generalized ab mical organization and role in cortical function. Organization of cerebral cortical afferent acteristics of histidine decarboxylase knock-out mice: systems in the rat. Neurons from the dorsolateral pontine tegmentum: a biochem containing hypocretin (orexin) project tomultiple neu ical and electron microscopic study. Catecholami tribution of melanin-concentrating hormone in the nergic-cholinergic interaction in the basal forebrain. The melanin basal forebrain neurons burst with theta during concentrating hormone system of the rat brain: an waking and paradoxical sleep. Discharge of iden responses of primate nucleus basalis neuron in a go/ ti ed orexin/hypocretin neurons across the sleep no-go-go task. Con ict of in preoptic nucleus contains sleep-active, galaninergic tentionsduetocallosaldisconnection. Long organization of functionally segregated circuits linking lasting insomnia induced by preoptic neuron lesions basal ganglia and cortex. Selective activation failure of forebrain with sparing of brain-stem func of the extended ventrolateral preoptic nucleus dur tion. The neuropathol of neostigmine into the pontine reticular formation of ogy of the vegetative state after an acute brain insult. High-resolution 2 Mutism developing after bilateral thalamo-capsular deoxyglucose mapping of functional cortical columns lesions by neuro-Behcet disease. Columnar speci city of in pathological ndings in the brain of Karen Ann trinsic horizontal and corticocortical connections in Quinlan. First, the physician ad tering such a patient must begin examination dresses the patient verbally. When this fails to produce a response, the physician begins a more formal coma eval History (from Relatives, Friends, or Attendants) uation. Onset of coma (abrupt, gradual) the examiner must systematically assess the Recent complaints. To determine if there is a focal weakness, vertigo) structural lesion involving those pathways, it is Recent injury necessary also to examine the function of brain Previous medical illnesses. In particular, be Previous psychiatric history cause the oculomotor circuitry enfolds and Access to drugs (sedatives, psychotropic drugs) surrounds most of the arousal system, this part General Physical Examination of the examination is particularly informative. Vital signs Fortunately, the examination of the comatose Evidence of trauma patient can usually beaccomplishedvery quickly Evidence of acute or chronic systemic illness because the patient has such a limited range of Evidence of drug ingestion (needle marks, responses. Verbal responses the evaluation of the patient with a reduced Eye opening level of consciousness, like that of any patient, Optic fundi requires a history (to the extent possible), phys Pupillary reactions ical examination, and laboratory evaluation. Respiratory pattern the emergency treatment of the comatose pa Motor responses Deep tendon re exes tient is detailed in Chapter 7. The physiology Skeletal muscle tone and pathophysiology of the cerebral circulation and of respiration are considered in the para graphs below. A history of headache of recent onset from relatives, friends, or the individuals, points to a compressive lesion, whereas the his usually the emergency medical personnel, who tory of depression or psychiatric disease may brought the patient to the hospital. In a diabetes, renal failure, heart disease, or other previously healthy, young patient, the sudden chronic medical illness are more likely to be onset of coma may be due to drug poisoning, suffering from metabolic disorders or perhaps subarachnoid hemorrhage, or head trauma; in brainstem infarction. In assessing symptoms or diplopia, suggests a cerebral or the level of consciousness of the patient, it is brainstem mass lesion. Several methods the general physical examination is an im for providing a sufficiently painful stimulus to portant source of clues as to the cause of arouse the patient without causing tissue dam unconsciousness. It is best to (Chapter 7), one should search for signs of begin with a modest, lateralized stimulus, such head trauma. Bilateral symmetric black eyes as compression of the nail beds, the supraor suggest basal skull fracture, as does blood be bital ridge, or the temporomandibular joint. Resistance to neck the stimulus, a more vigorous midline stimulus exion in the presence of easy lateral move may be given by the sternal rub. Examina ful stimulus to arouse any subject who is not tion of the skin is also useful. Petechiae may suggest the response of the patient is noted and meningitis or intravascular coagulation. The types of motor responses seen are sure sores or bullae indicate that the patient considered in the section on motor responses has been unconscious and lying in a single (page 73). However, the level of response is position for an extended period of time, and important to the initial consideration of the are especially frequent in patients with barbitu depth of impairment of consciousness. Noxious stimuli can be delivered with minimal trauma to the supraorbital ridge (A), the nail beds or the ngers or toes (B), the sternum (C) or the temporo mandibular joints (D). The value of these is in providing a simple estimate of the prognosis for different groups of patients. Obviously, this is related as much to the cause of the coma (when known) as to the current status of the examination. Unfortunately, when used by emergency room physicians, in 3 terrater agreement is only moderate. However, no scale is adequate for all patients; hence, the best policy in recording the results of the coma examination is simply to describe the ndings. Patients who fail to examination, and it is never justi ed to de respond at all are in the deepest stage of coma. The rst goal must be to to maintain the blood pressure at a level nor correct any of these conditions if they are found mal for the individual patient. Inaddition,bloodpres patient with chronic hypertension autoregu sure, heart rate, and respiration may provide lates at a higher level than a normotensive pa valuable clues to the cause of coma. Cerebral per develop excessive perfusion if the blood pres fusion pressure is the systemic blood pressure sure is raised. The physician the perfusion pressure of the brain may can measure blood pressure but in the ini be in uenced by the position of the head. In tial examination can only estimate intracranial a normal individual, as the head is raised, the pressure. Over a wide range of blood pres systemic arterial pressure is maintained by sures, cerebral perfusion remains stable be blood pressure re exes. In this situation, both too in a patient with stenosis of a carotid or ver low (ischemia) and too high (hypertensive en tebral artery, the perfusion pressure for that cephalopathy; see Chapter 5) a blood pres vessel may be much lower than systemic arte sure can damage the brain. Note that hyper tensive encephalopathy (increased blood ow with pressures exceeding the autoregulatory range) may occur with a mean arterial pressure below 200 mm Hg in the normotensive individual, but may require a much higher mean arterial pressure in patients who have sustained hypertension. Such patients may show ple, pain is a major ascending sympathoexcit improvement in neurologic function when the atory stimulus, which acts via direct collaterals head of the bed is at. Conversely, in cases of from the ascending spinothalamic tract into the head trauma where there is increased intra rostral ventrolateral medulla. The elevation of cranial pressure, it may be important to raise blood pressure in response to a painful stim the head of the bed 15 to 30 degrees to im ulus applied to the body (pinch of skin, ster prove venous drainage to maximize cerebral nal rub) is evidence of intact medullospinal 6 10,11 perfusion pressure. In a patient who is still semi to remove tight neckwear and ensure that a wakeful after subarachnoid hemorrhage, blood cervical spine collar is not applied too tightly to pressure may be elevated as a response to head a victim of head injury to avoid diminishing ache pain. In a patient with impaired consciousness, Direct pressure to the oor of the medulla the blood pressure can give important clues to can activate the Cushing re ex, an increase in 12 the level of the nervous system that has been blood pressure and a decrease in heart rate. Damage to the descending sympa In children, the Cushing re ex may be seen thetic pathways that support blood pressure when there is a generalized increased intracra may result in a fall to levels seen after spinal nial pressure, even above the tentorium. How transaction (mean arterial pressure about 60 to ever, the more rigid compartmentalization of 70 mm Hg). Blood pressure is supported by a intracranial contents in adults usually prevents descending sympathoexcitatory pathway from this phenomenon unless the expansile mass is the rostral ventrolateral medulla to the spinal in the posterior fossa. Irritative lesions of the hy a descending sympathoexcitatory input to the pothalamus, such as occur with subarachnoid 7,8 medulla and the spinal cord. As a conse hemorrhage, may result in an excess hypotha quence, bilateral diencephalic lesions result lamic input to the sympathetic and parasym 13 in a fall in sympathetic tone, including mei pathetic control systems. This condition can otic pupils (see below), decreased sweating re trigger virtually any type of cardiac arrhythmia, sponses, and a generally low level of arterial from sinus pause to supraventricular tachycar 9 14 pressure. However, the However, persistent hypotension below these most common nding in subarachnoid hemor levels in a comatose patient is almost never rhage is a pattern of subendocardial ischemia. One of Such patients may in fact have enzyme evi the most common mistakes seen in evaluation dence of myocardial infarction, and at autopsy of a comatose patient with a mean arterial pres demonstrate contraction band necrosis of the 15 sure below 60 mm Hg is the assumption that a myocardium. The infralimbic and insular arterial pressure at or above 60 mm Hg is gen cortex and the central nucleus of the amygdala erally sufficient in a supine patient to support provide important inputs to sympathoexcit cerebral and systemic function. On the other atory areas of the hypothalamus and the me 8 hand, acute hypotension, due to cardiogenic or dulla. These almost always oc output in turn is the product of heart rate and cur in an upright position. Both heart rate and stroke vol sitions, when the head is at the same height as ume are increased by beta-1 adrenergic stim the heart, it takes a much steeper fall in blood ulation from sympathetic nerves (or adrenal pressure (below 60 to 70 mm Hg mean pres catechols), which play a key role in regulating sure) to cause loss of consciousness. Heart rate is slowed by mus blood pressure during a Stokes-Adams attack carinic cholinergic action of the vagus nerve, may re ect a failure of the baroreceptor re ex and hence, increased vagal tone decreases car arc on assuming an upright posture (in which diac output. Peripheral resistance is regulated case it can be reproduced by testing orthostatic mainly by the level of alpha-1 adrenergic tone responses). Alternatively, hyperactivity of the in small arterioles, the most important resis baroreceptor re ex nerves may occasionally tance vessels. The cardiac vagal tone is main fall in blood pressure may be caused by an in tained by the nucleus ambiguus in the medulla, termittent failure of the pump. This drop in perfusion pressure (ar mechanism for this remarkable stability of terial pressure minus intracranial pressure) is blood ow is not entirely understood, although equivalent to 15 to 23 mm Hg, and it may be it appears to be due to intrinsic innervation of sufficient to cause a drop in cerebral perfusion the cerebral blood vessels and may also be pressure that would make it difficult to main 20,22 regulated by local metabolism. However, there are also arterial pressure is measured at two sites, the neuronal networks that regulate cerebral perfu aortic arch (by the aortic depressor nerve, a sion distinct from metabolic need. The two sys branch of the vagus nerve) and the carotid bi tems normally act in concert to ensure sufficient furcation (by the carotid sinus nerve, a branch blood supply to allow normal cerebral function of the glossopharyngeal nerve).

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